Loot crates on iPod (the new update)

(g00n) #1

I downloaded latest update and found out about loot crates and the resetting of games. I played two games not on wifi and got a crate. But to open it I have to log in. In doing this I have had problems. I have to get out of rad to click on wifi and when I return to rad it restarts from beginning and crate is lost. Most of my apps I close to check another usually keeps last setting, rad dosnt.

(tinker) #2

why do you turn off wifi?
there is no reason for it
you get crates when playing single player missions - no need to have wifi off.

being unable to open crates while one is somewhere else, where you might not have wifi access, is a problem but i’m not sure if you ment this…
this, however, should work on 3 of the 4 Systems the game might be played on. (chrome, ipad and iphone)
and being able to open crates while offline will lead to problems. the number of keys you have is probably stored online - offline would probably be abusive.

what ipod do you use. many of the “bigger” games are hard to be handled from the device. it takes too much resources to keep the game up in background so it automatically closes when you click the home button.
the ipod 5 and newer has less problems with this than the old devices.

but ehm… what now is your problem :?

(g00n) #3

I play solo in areas without wifi or move between my own and in the public wifi in the city. Usually it can be automatic especially with my own, but RAD dosnt connect well “oops try again” pops up and I usually have to pull the wifi plug and restart, close rad up and restart. Funny thing is facebook and other apps are fine.

generation 2 ipod

I turn wifi off at night when I go to bed, so sometimes I just solo if not reading.
Also (im sure I posted here) one of the games I had a crate on Favala and AI had two toons left Tisla was ghosting and I killed carlo? and all of a sudden I win before doing another move to get crate. Tisla was still alive-bug?