Looks like so many things have changed.

(Tanker_Ray) #1

Not many people would remember me though, but still, it’s me! THUNDA!

Who always cared about overall game balance and ma boy Thunder.

I was called by nation’s conscription system 2017 July 10th(I’m still stuck in this god damn military base prison T.T), and last time I played this game was actual Javelin’s rocket spam hell(+ MK.46 Thunder trash) ,

But looks like SD did an urgent patch to her and sniper rifles + bursts.(Still remember most players were sarcastic to me when I mentioned about how OP MOA/Focus augment/MP400/110HP Vas combo is.)

Some patches like SMG-9 <-> Crotzni Reload Speed swap, KeK-10’s reload speed restoration, PDP’s damage roll-back(Hell, this gun is still the best when shutting down annoying female mercs + Phoenix), etc… are great indeed,

But still I need clear vision from players who are playing nowadays.

I really want to ask this to everyone here, How’s DB nowadays?

Ranked still unable to balance because is has totally different format compared to pub?

Weapon balance is better than before, but merc balance went down to ground?

DB went back to its darkest timeline when everybody was busy spamming explosives rather than calm aiming?

Really, What’s your thought? I want cruel, cold, but precise and corret view about DB. Please share!

Rants, Complains, Compliments, Opinions, anything!

p.s. I still love this game tbh. Still, since 2014 ~, even after this long time. Thunder is just so lovely…

(K1X455) #2
  • Changes are nearly always a bitter taste for old time players.
  • I’ve reported bugs, but it they been ignored.
  • Aimpunch is as evil as the devil himself.
  • The shameful exit button bug got more priority than the bug I reported, but ignored.
  • I think we found the cause of the EV teleport bug; we found another place where the teleport happens.
  • We now have DPC/ISR stacking under controls

(Tanker_Ray) #3

@K1X455 said:

  • Changes are nearly always a bitter taste for old time players.
  • I’ve reported a bug, but it has been ignored.

Oh man.

Looks like MK.46 will still have its own modeling bug. (3D model that shows up when you click MK.46 loadout)

How careless :frowning:

(Your worst knifemare.) #4
  1. Guardian was happily introduced so spam isn’t as useful.
  2. Phantoms being reworked, you can check dev videos for that.
  3. Devs started a new series called “Ask the Devs”
  4. Machine Pistols got hit with the nerf hammer
  5. Fragger got an health nerf while him and Thunder have a small speed buff.
  6. Proxy’s still cancer
  7. No more leads/irons
  8. Sparks medpacks heal her less but non-medic teammates more.

(Tanker_Ray) #5

@Lord_Coctus said:

  1. Guardian was happily introduced so spam isn’t as useful.
  2. Phantoms being reworked, you can check dev videos for that.
  3. Devs started a new series called “Ask the Devs”
  4. Machine Pistols got hit with the nerf hammer
  5. Fragger got an health nerf while him and Thunder have a small speed buff.
  6. Proxy’s still cancer
  7. No more leads/irons
  8. Sparks medpacks heal her less but non-medic teammates more.

Thank you so much!!!

I’m quite sure Sparks is still in ambiguous location though.

She needs SD’s love like some of others.

(kopyright) #6

@Lord_Coctus said:
6. Proxy’s still cancer

How so when her mines have been nerfed so hard? It’s almost impossible to kill anybody with them, I even had an Aura happily bounce over one without taking as much as a scratch yesterday. Shooting mines is the only fun we can have these days.

(NexDroid) #7

Well Sparks got hitted twice by nerf hammer, her machine pistols are even worse than regular pistols, her self heal got nerfed too.

Phantom is really annoying last few weeks because players found out that they can abuse high ping when playing him with his katana. Hope rework will fix this.

Guardian is… well I don’t know what she is - she is called medic yet can’t heal but can revive more players by single long ranged buff.

Burst rifles feel weird nowadays thanks to aimpunch.

Aimpunch is the worst thing SD could ever implement into a game. Like for real, it feels so clunky especially with higher rpm weapons (another nerf for machine pistols/sparks) and burst rifles.

Proxy’s mines got nerf in damage but buff in range so it is still kinda annoying.

(TheStrangerous) #8

Hold off til full release.
The open beta may give you a bad taste in your mouth. So patience is bliss.

(Xenithos) #9

@kopyright said:

@Lord_Coctus said:
6. Proxy’s still cancer

How so when her mines have been nerfed so hard? It’s almost impossible to kill anybody with them, I even had an Aura happily bounce over one without taking as much as a scratch yesterday. Shooting mines is the only fun we can have these days.

Say that to my 76/24 match the other day with a gen 1 proxy loadout.

(Xenithos) #10

@Tanker_Ray said:
Not many people would remember me though, but still, it’s me! THUNDA!
Ayyy!!! Glad to see ya THUNDA!
I really want to ask this to everyone here, How’s DB nowadays?

Ranked still unable to balance because is has totally different format compared to pub?
Weapon balance is better than before, but merc balance went down to ground?
DB went back to its darkest timeline when everybody was busy spamming explosives rather than calm aiming?

It really depends on who you ask at the moment, I would say even a few of the veterans from Alpha are divided on whether the game is more spammy spammy versus shooty shooty because of the recent Guardian patch. I’ve found that the most prominent issue these days isn’t aimpunch (which IS an issue I might add) but Merc stacking. Having several Guardians or several Stokers or Naders on certain maps makes them unwinnable.

Overall though, I would say that weapon balance can always use some tweaking, I still have no idea why they touched machine pistols, and they also broke the Fel-ix while putting the Moa into almost the perfect spot. Funny story that one, but summarize it to say that the moment you fire the FEL-IX you can’t switch weapons, aim, or even move that fast because they added a pause to your character after firing. It’s long enough that you will have a hard time finishing someone if they are revived the moment you kill them. Totally ruined Aimee’s hit and run playstyle with the Felix. As per merc balance? It’s… not horrible. A lot of the older OP MERCS or mercs you take no matter what are just… not. Fragger isn’t, Aura isn’t, Javelin isn’t rofl. The only problem is that some of their merc balancing is still being done with reference to numbers, but not changing the way the merc plays, especially Sparks when compared to the beautiful thing they’re doing with Phantom.

What they are doing to Phantom with their approach to fixing him (making him completely invisible and removing the armor part of his ability, while also making it so he has to decloak and wait a small time before being able to shoot or stab anyone as well as half separating the EMP from his invisibility is AWESOME) should have been done to Sparks. If they want to make her less selfish they need to do something about how she heals herself in the first place, not just reducing the amount her packs give her.

(hoyes) #11

Hello again @Tanker_Ray , welcome back to DB, where the core issues remain but are broken in different ways than 8 or so months ago. XD

  1. Snipers/shotguns still broken by design( snipers have been nerfed, but core issues remain, shotguns are almost there tho)
  2. SMG/AR balance is pretty gud actually (discounting bursts)
  3. Bursts are inconsistent and too highly damaging, imo more consistency less damage
    4)Aimpunch is just why
  4. Merc balance other than snipers is also pretty good, with fragger now being much more balanced (even tho done in questionable ways), thunder being much more bearable, and phantom getting a spicy rework to make him akin to TF2 spy. Sparks imo needs a rework as the current design will never feel fair to fight against (even if currently she is not OP).
  5. Maps are getting a redux, mainly aiming to improve the first objectives on the maps with lowest attacker clear rates; less spawn camping.
  6. Lmgs are still subpar (poor mk46)

(Da_Mummy) #12

Speaking of the Mk46
Dear SD where is the love for Thunder that you promised ages back. No offence for all the people waiting for Phantom to be changed but what about: my Kushbuddy Redeye, Crossaint Mademoiselle Aimee or big boy Thunder. Are you even considering something for their balance.