Looking for W:ET Server Status script.

(Paul) #21

As I told you, you can also use TB’s api to get the info, as you will never get problems with non-working requests (often to USA servers). But just copying stuff like being done now is just not very nice…

Levelshots pictures are stolen from Trackbase:D:D:D
Atm backround is also stoled from Trackbase,but I will remake desing soon,if I get more time.

And this is certainly not smart…

(Indloon) #22

[QUOTE=Paul;339914]As I told you, you can also use TB’s api to get the info, as you will never get problems with non-working requests (often to USA servers). But just copying stuff like being done now is just not very nice…

And this is certainly not smart…[/QUOTE]

Yeaj I could use TB API,but I’m interested of learning PHP,so making little applications in web,for myself ofc.

And stuff “stolen”(":D") from TB is gone:) Downloaded 400 leveshots from Wolffiles.

(Mateos) #23

If you miss some levelshots I can give you the missing ones… My ET startup reset 3 times the list to display all x)

(Indloon) #24

Hey Pauly.
Since I understanded that my master server query script is unstable and doesn’t use DB to storage data for 1 hour or more.
Then I use API,actually making it better.
I already writed full new API code,the api example what you gave was to…how to say…well not so good script.
It was basic:D
Now next thing what I wanna do with API,is to add MySQL,because if tracker is offline,reads the API from latest DB log.
And then I publish full code on TB forum.

(acQu) #25

Publish here too. I don’t visit TB forum :stuck_out_tongue:

(Paul) #26


It would be interesting if you could send finished code of it so I could put some stuff as example for the API

I’ll try to find time to put some time in a decent API with more possibility’s, but gotta focus on the new layout release now :slight_smile: