Looking for old files

(ailmanki) #1

Does anybody have these files which had been linked here:
http://web.archive.org/web/20020209234331/www.planetquake.com/toolz/dl.html ?

Basically I would like to see the Manual, as I am *trying to improve bobToolz.
Apparently in NetRadiant some stuff is broken, I only compared with GTKRadiant 1.3.8 and there it works better.

I also suppose there must be newer code… :confused:

(VolumetricSteve) #2

I’m not sure I understand what it is you want.

if you just want mirrors of those files linked from…your link, I’d google around for them (duh) and if not that…try older search engines, Internet Archive, Alta-Vista, etc

Ironically, you can google for other search engines, this amuses me greatly; that should help.

I’ve also found that NetRadiant is broken as hell (on OS X atleast) and it took me like…4 days to break it into working at all (many of the proper quake 3 shaders don’t load images within the editor, but they compile just fine), what platform are you using?

good luck