Looking for a Tournament/Competitive Clan

(wheatSandwich) #1

Hi. I’ve been playing Dirty Bomb a little over 4 Months now and I think I’m ready for a clan.

IGN: iChaoS [ Steam ]
Favorite Merc(s): Proxy, SkyHammer
Favorite Gamemode(s): StopWatch
TeamSpeak3/Discord/Skype/Raidcall: Yes
Country: US
Level: 8
Server(s): US [All], EU [West]

P.S: I’ve been in eSport teams in other games like CS:GO and Warface

(wheatSandwich) #2

“Favorite Gamemode(s): StopWatch”

I meant execution btw (or whatever the name is for plant the bomb in this game)

(MatteMG) #3

Hey, my name is MatteMG, I am from OCB. We are an online gaming community who play both Casually and Competitively. Add me on steam and you can come and see what the clan is like www.steamcommunity.com/id/mattemg

-Matt :slight_smile:

(sonsofaugust5) #4

Hey Sandwich, I am a NA player and am part of a team. If you want to find a group of people that plays tournaments and such, you should get on DBNATION’s discord. Dbnation hosts all the drity bomb tournaments. I also know several NA players that would like to play in the tournament coming up 9/18 and am trying to help them make another NA team. https://discord.gg/YwYFW Add me http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198245749052/