I’m 16 years old and searching for an active dirty bomb clan.
My favourite mercs are Nader and Arty and I’m level 8.
I’m online every day.
This is my steam link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198283471642
Looking for a team
Hey Exo.
I am from OCB, we are an active gaming community playing Dirty Bomb both casually and competitively, we are currently working on a new system to involve more young gamers (Such as yourself) in our community.
There’s nothing that will bind you to us as a clan and you don’t have to be an official member of the clan to come and play with us.
So feel free to add me on steam (MatteMG) and come join our teamspeak any time.
If you have a microphone and teamspeak you might want to check out Gamers4Fun.