Looking for a team playing cups/clan wars/leagues

(add1cted) #1


My name is Ivo. I play DB since early alpha.

Now I am level 27, most of time playing Stoker, Phoenix, Skyhammer, Sparks. Sometimes Vasilli.

I have big experience in eSports like CS:S, CS:GO, CoD4. Played in ESL/ ClanBase

I am looking for a team who play cups, rankeds and clan wars.

Got everything needed to play together, speaking english and polish.

Let me know what do you think :wink:

(MatteMG) #2

Check out OCB, we play Casually and Competitively. www.ocb-gaming.com

(sonsofaugust5) #3

Hey there are several competitive teams in dirty bomb. Most of them join pick up games on DBNation’s discord. https://discord.gg/YwYFW I know several NA players looking to make a team for the tournament this weekend 9/18/16. Add me at http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198245749052/