looking for a clan

(`Ghost`) #1

Yes sir, thats correct. I am looking for a BRINK clan to tryout for/ join.

(needforWeed) #2

try this http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25914

(`Ghost`) #3

I am 24. I live in central US. Im looking for a competitave team to play with that practices and scrims. I’ve played both ET:QW and wolfenstein ET. I am familiar with vent, Teamspeak, xfire.

shoot me a message on here.

(Rex) #4

[QUOTE=Ghost;362831]I am 24. I live in central US. Im looking for a competitave team to play with that practices and scrims. I’ve played both ET:QW and wolfenstein ET. I am familiar with vent, Teamspeak, xfire.

shoot me a message on here.[/QUOTE]

There are no competitive clans left :smiley: Maybe you should search for a fun clan, if there are still clans in Brink…

(incin) #5

inh gaming still plays brink although not really competitively as this game to be honest doesn’t have that many clans in it… We are a fun clan we play the battlefield series on twl though and were currently in bad co 2. Hit me up if your interested and check out our site. www.inhgaming.com

(Baiken6609) #6

Xbox, pc, or ps3

(incin) #7

We are on pc!:stroggbanana:

(DonkeyDong) #8
  1. Can clans exist in consoles?

  2. Can competition exist in consoles?

  3. Silly rabbit, competition is for pc!

(aviynw) #9

Look here. http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29980 . I haven’t been responding to forums “looking for a clan requests” because I figured I didn’t want people who were to lazy to search the forums first. But, I’m having trouble finding anyone, so if the clan is similar to what you are looking for, and you are not in fact lazy or stupid, check it out.