Logitech and Alienware loadout cards, conversion or design changes?

(Reddeadcap) #1

I was wondering in regards to the Alienware and Logitech loadout cards that have been around for a couple of years now have always been a bronze loadout card skin for the mercs along with a Logitech or Alienware designed primary and secondary weapon.

Could/Should/Would these loadout cards be converted to weapon skins, the merc be given a matching visual design to the weapons he or she is carrying?

(frostyvampire) #2

Would be nice if we go the option to do it with all special edition skins (including obsidians). Perhaps split them into weapon skins and a uniform.

But to keep the value of higher rarity loadout cards (cobalts, golds, silver), make it so you must have a high rarity loadout equipped in the deck to use it. For example: to use a WTD weapon skin, you must have a gold loadout card in the deck. To use an elite operative uniform you must have a cobalt card in the deck, etc.

But don’t force us to convert them, just make it an option and say “are you sure? This process cannot be undone” and all that stuff, so people without a lot of golds and cobalts can still use them as loadouts