[QUOTE=Mustang;478323]Locked menu FPS gives lots of other people without this coil whine issue a laggy mouse cursor, which is an even worse problem.
I hope it doesn’t get locked, but I wouldn’t be against making it an option.
e.g. V-Sync: Off | On (Menu only) | On (Menu and in-game)
I was going to ask if you have an AMD, because they are badly known for their coil whine, but I see you are on a laptop, do you really count mobile graphics as a graphics card?[/QUOTE]
I got a desktop as well and it has an AMD card.
Could you explain me why people would get a laggy mouse cursor if the fps gets locked at 120 fps (or even 60 fps) in the menu? Because in other games I play (with v-sync on) I have no problem with 60 fps in the menu. Even in Extraction.
If you put v-sync on the fps will be locked at your screen refresh rate. So when I enable it in Extraction I get 60 fps in the menu. I didn’t experience a laggy mouse cursor. Try it yourself and tell me if your mouse “lags”.
I know the Dirty Bomb menu used to be laggy once, but that was because the fps dropped till 15 fps and it was unstable.
Well there are other reasons why they should lock it as well which are imo way more important than coil whine.
+Cheap ass screens will get screen tearing.
- Waste of power because you will stress your PC for a menu, where fps shouldn’t matter. (laptops will become hot, less battery power, more noise because your fans will blow harder because the stress will generate more heat. etc. etc.).
Other games like StarCraft 2 have the menu fps locked for a reasone as well and they wouldn’t have done that if the mouse would be “laggy”.