List all your frustrations with current Dirty Bomb

(HadronZodiac) #23

A - Stop overnerfing things, want some examples?
Guardian (@$!# to begin with tbh)
MP’s in general

B - Make things people actually want to buy (gj on the weapon skins)

No one wants to spend 8 dollars on a crate expecting at least a gold, and they get a silver vasilli…

C - Make leveling up actually worth my time

I expect at least a prime case or rads

Not a god damn bronze card

D - Any plans on making balance a thing?

Proxy nuke pancakes
Vasilli rhinos
Alahuahkbar Nader
Proxy in general tbh

not ok ^

E - Purge the bugs…

I get that new updates mean more bugs, so truly eradicating is impossible, but lets be serious

We’ve had the ev bug for so long
We’ve had the chrome (distorted) mercs for so long
We’ve had the chrome (distorted) weapons for so long
We’ve had the slenderman bug for so long

Actually do something

F - Remember when you guys were getting in trouble by the government for what evs for the gambling? (I live in america so idk)

And they did what to fix that?

G - Stop thinking things are worth more than they actually are

Value is based on amount and presentation
A cobalt is seen as amazing because it is presented as the best and very hard to get
SE cards are seen as pretty, limited time, hard to get, and shown as best

yet, heres the thing.

50k credits, and 20k fragments for a cobalt? come on…

The new crappy loadout cases are 5k, for an almost 100% chance of a bronze (every time i get a bronze so idc anymore)

Now that there are no leads, it means the value of the bronze has gone down as well. So why make it cost 5k?

H - Make up your mind about phantom!

First he’s a basic run around and kill
Then he gets nerfed into a potatoe
Then he comes with this new emp
Then he comes with an emp burst and a SUPER visible cloak

Many people are just saying remove him, and tbh Im kinda with that…

I - Can i ask how this got past you guys?

Hunter’s arrow literally gets caught on everything, walls, floors, accessories to the map, etc…

I got more comin…

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #24
  • Little to no lore recently (at least give all the mercs names, DOBs, and birth locations like you did Phantom and Hunter)
  • Bugs that should never slip through, slip through
  • Drop-and-pop Proxy

Honestly, the lore bites are the things that I want the most. It baffles me that this Top Tier (apparently) London company is so busy designing Obsidians for mercs that already have Obsidians (seriously, give Sparks a f*cking Obsidian, not Skyhammer and definitely not Proxy), that they can’t take an intern and say, “Sit down and start giving the mercs names and DOBs.”

(LifeupOmega) #25

@MuddyGrenade said:

  • Little to no lore recently (at least give all the mercs names, DOBs, and birth locations like you did Phantom and Hunter)

Prob cause Pinflux left the company. We also never got back the nexon-era map/merc profiles.

(K1X455) #26
  • Net-code
  • Audio
  • GPU chokes due to net-code processing
  • EAC… they are so schitt, everytime DB makes an update, Win10 crashes

(Xerny) #27
  • People that say Guardian’s sky shield should block Kira’s laser.
  • The game’s geometry.
  • Shotguns.
  • Nader’s that constantly waste their nades at a chockpoint.
  • People that are at the bottom of the scoreboard calling everyone bad.

(Sorotia) #28

@bgyoshi said:

@B_Montiel said:
In my view, all the maps we currently have promote TDM style playing, which is not what dirty bomb should do.

A fair point, but in all honesty I found that the very fact that it being a broad map with large different routes was why it was so easy to win as attackers. It just wasn’t possible to cover all routes at once so any concerted attacker effort to push any single route as a team resulted in an easy win. The fact that it was funnelled down made it possible to defend.

DB just isn’t a game for big open maps and lots of different routes. It’s too reliant on kill advantage to allow that kind of play.

Wasn’t easy to cover routes? More like everyone wants to pew pew so they all ran to the route where the action was and people would leave it open for ninja delivery and would rage and blame the map for their own failure.

(Sefuh_FR) #29
  • Shotgun headshot multiplier removal : 2X was too much…but headshots should always been rewarded…just balance dmg/hs multiplier
  • MP400 nerf : There was no reason to nerf it…
  • The lack of visual effects from explosion / shoots etc…DB isn’t really appealing…
  • Hybrid mercs aren’t worth it ( Guardian / Javelin ) : The sky shield doesn’t last enough time…
  • People only playing Assault / Snipers
  • Proxys going “Allah ahkbar” style with their mines
  • Can’t QuickJoin with friends anymore : it won’t help DB gain popularity…
  • The entire circlejerk about aimpunch…
  • People whining about how SD is incompetent / is turning this game into shit / are bad dev /etc without explaining why…
  • Stopwatch games are way too long for being competitive.
  • The visual of most of the maps being dull.

(Teflon Love) #30
  • The broken voice chat that makes most players sound too quiet to understand.
  • The lack of an option to hear for yourself how quiet you sound in the voice chat
  • The lack of an option to increase the microphone volume of your voice chat

(Xenithos) #31

@BooryDarthNader said:
@HadronZodiac Sure, in bullet points


(HadronZodiac) #32

@Xenithos said:

@BooryDarthNader said:
@HadronZodiac Sure, in bullet points


um what

(Xenithos) #33

Originally wasn’t going to post in here, but I probably have more frustrations with the playerbase than DB at this point. Anyway, here goes both:

Strictly DB -

  • Machine pistol nerfs, yeah, I still think it was a mistake.
  • Crap tutorial and crap beginning playerbase to go with it. Why are you playing a shooter and you can’t even use shift to run?
  • Garbage tier In-game VOIP
  • Lack of defined gun role for BRs (they just kinda made them terrible overall, they don’t have a low damage HIGH accuracy balance or anything, they just plain suck now.)
  • Overnerfs Sometimes they happen. Sometimes those are opinions as well.
  • No merc stack limit - Main reason ~90% of balance issues exist.
  • Wasted Development time The infamous Summer Squash and currently trash binned CMM and Ranked. I’ve also heard recently due to another post they may not be having the customizable loadouts system they’d claimed was coming by 1.0… I’m all for moving in the right direction, but sometimes there’s this utter waste of time and potential to just DO something.
  • Fletcher isn’t really as fun as he used to be.
  • Kira’s been nerfed so many times she’s just a glorified squishy EV melter.
  • This disruption of high skill balancing, where harder to use weapons are supposed to be better, harder to use mercs are supposed to be better. Proxy and Kira used to be faster, and Kira especially was a precision rifleman user that could be very deadly. Now they’re both just meh in the competitive tier, and have been for soooo long. In other news, Fragger feels great with the speed buff and k121. Lol…
  • No autoshuffle after lobby closes, despite overwhelming poll from like… what February of this year?
  • That really stupid EV
  • Lack of variance in the objectives, and rational objectives. And lore…

Playerbase -

  • Non constructive complaints
  • Constant complaining and bickering over things that are actually fine or even in a good place. Sure, you don’t like Javelin being in the game, but she’s actually really well balanced and fills a nice gap in 5v5 tourneys. AND SHE’S IN THE GAME. PROXY IS NOT GOING TO BE REMOVED PEOPLE.
  • Toxicity, especially players that kick that other players for sucking. With less than two thousand players, that’s how you want to treat your fellow Dirty Bombers? Whatever happened to “Don’t be a Dick?”
  • Lack of players playing their role, or even attempting to. Especially so in higher players that should know better, even IF it’s a pub match.
  • Splash Damage sucks at communicating and transparency on future events. As well as being present in the forums and elsewhere as well.
  • Playerbase sucks at positive reinforcement.
  • We’ve got a few nasty trolls/or really dumb people it seems. I don’t remember having as many back in 2015.
  • Refusal to shuffle when a match actually needs it. I see teams of 5 level 50+s ganging up on level 10s or lower, and it actually makes me sick. Sometimes a stomp is inevitable, but not in that kind of match. Especially when that team is on defense, and not offense.
  • Parts of the playerbase that want to fundamentally change DB, whether it’s ttk, objective plays, or just want weapons removed or overnerfed into the ground. People still complain about shotguns and snipers and everything and anyone…

Your best DirtyBomb Meme?
(Begin2018) #34
  • Rambo medics (medics playing solo)
  • @Ptiloui when playing Rambo medic :wink:

(Ptiloui) #35
  • Having to play medic every game because nobody ever plays it
  • Having to push myself as a medic because the assault and fire support guys can’t even cross the street in Chapel (Maybe add a pedestrian crossing ?)
  • People that rush with low hp instead of picking up that damn medpack on the floor
  • Late Phoenix’s healing pulse
  • When @Begin2018 spam the V21 request while im on the total opposite of the map :slight_smile:
  • When you hear the HS beep but die while the enemy is still at 100% hp
  • When SD announces they’re working on a new loadout system, release one single Aimee Obisidian Operative for that matter, and then change their mind and tell they’ll maybe make gen3 cards (that’s scamming btw)

(RageSmirk) #36

Currently the worst is the horde of beginners. Devs should put a room limit to those.

(aminuseternal) #37

Been gone for months and it looks like nothing has changed lol

(Mc1412013) #38

@aminuseternal said:
Been gone for months and it looks like nothing has changed lol

Depends on what u mean by nothing changed lol

(aminuseternal) #39

Eh just trying to make a joke on the never ending list of complaints db has aleays seemed the same, but in all seriousness it looks like a lot has changed in the past few months for better or worse.

(HadronZodiac) #40

One main thing is how childish the community is

Like A - Read it
B - Stop taking shit personally
C - Stop acting like your level 107 just because you didnt get killed by a proxy mine that 1 time

(Your worst knifemare.) #41

@HadronZodiac said:
One main thing is how childish the community is

C - Stop acting like your level 107 just because you didnt get killed by a proxy mine that 1 time

What if you are level 107.

(HadronZodiac) #42

@Lord_Coctus said:

@HadronZodiac said:
One main thing is how childish the community is

C - Stop acting like your level 107 just because you didnt get killed by a proxy mine that 1 time

What if you are level 107.

If that person proves it to me i wont accuse them of trying to look better than they actually are