links to any doc run objective tutorials?

(zivs) #1


I’m willing to write a simple doc run objective (take this thing and take it to that place), but I can’t find any - on Tramdesign I can find only blowable obj tutorials, anywhere else where I look I find almost the same ones and looking into existing .script files and .map files it’s hard to understand how things work and how they should be put at all.

So, can anyone post a newbie friendly tutorial for that? :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

(shagileo) #2

This should help you out:

(zivs) #3

[QUOTE=shagileo;189305]This should help you out:[/QUOTE]


This will definately do! <3

(nUllSkillZ) #4

Ifurita has also one on his site.

(zivs) #5

Silly mishappenings again:

I was doing my objective as it’s told here on WolfensteinX. Did everything as they told (I think), I’ve made copy-paste script, mentioned in tutorial, but when compiling the map (while the script is in the map directory), I don’t see my custom respawn times (in cfg I put them to 3 seconds, but in-game I get default ~30 seconds) and map time (set to 5 minutes, but in-game it’s still ~17 minutes). Didn’t change anything else, but the objective anyway doesn’t work - I can grab it, I can bring it to desired objective securing location where I receive pre-defined (20) points for securing it, but the map doesn’t end.

Here are the screens & script which I used for objective:

1. The objective - good old money bag

2. The location where the objective must be secured and the map should end

3. The script with changed only respawn and map times

//Map: objective_documents_tutorial
//created by: The Muffinman

// Set scenario information

wm_mapdescription "get the secret documents and transmit them!"

wm_axis_respawntime 3
wm_allied_respawntime 3
wm_number_of_objectives 2
wm_set_round_timelimit 5

//we have 2 objectives, taking the documents and transmitting them:
wm_set_objective_status 1 0
wm_set_objective_status 2 0

wm_set_defending_team 0
wm_setwinner 0

accum 1 set 0
accum 2 set 0

trigger objective1
wm_set_objective_status 2 1 
accum 2 set 1
wm_announce "Allied team has transmitted the documents!"
trigger game_manager checkgame

trigger axis_object_stolen
wm_set_objective_status 1 1

trigger axis_object_returned
wm_set_objective_status 1 0

trigger checkgame
accum 2 abort_if_not_equal 1
wm_setwinner 1
wait 1500

trigger game_manager objective1

Now the manual tells that it should work 100% and it’s the very simpliest script for DOC RUN objective, but where could I have got something so terribly wrong that it refuses to work? Any help, any tips?

(twt_thunder) #6
wm_announce "get the ^1LOOT"
 wm_announce "we got the bag"
 wm_setwinner 1
 wait 1500

worked for me…

(rs2moneyvip) #7

saidshe pupilsthe scholarships investigation destinywait