I hate to bring up rival shooters… but the PS2 (Planetside 2) forums have an option to “like” a post… which would save me time from replying and saying something really annoying like “this” et al… of course, it won’t stop me from replying and saying something annoying anyway but… it’ll help.
"Like a post"?
But there’s a ‘Add to this user’s reputation’ button at bottom of every post in this forum.
If you like the post, then just give the reputation!
Yes, thank you… but that isn’t readily apparent to other people browsing the thread.
I’d like to hear more people’s opinion on this as I’ve toyed with this idea before. Is this something you’d want to see around here?
I would be for it, giving rep is fine and all, but sometimes you want others to see that your appreciate a post.
Why do I feel we’ll see posts like “10000 thread views but no likes? Common!”… At least we would have something new to make fun of.
I’d really like a “like this post” option; it lets you show support for posts without having to just say “what he said!” over and over.
This is a good idea. Keep it to just likes though so we don’t have a bunch of griefers down voting everything for the lulz.
I still want to like posts, but I am emotionally (technically) incapable.
Perhaps it would just be better to publicly display the number of +rep and -rep.
Otherwise I’d find myself give +rep and +1 to the same posts, and visa-versa with -rep and -1.
Less confusing for people having two very similar systems, faster for users and easier to implement/maintain.
Yeah that would probably work, too… but I don’t adding to a user’s rep doesn’t really reflect how the community feels about a Post or thread, specifically the ideas or thoughts therein.
I think there are a lot of ideas or suggestions that may seem ‘obvious’ but doesn’t really warrant a reply to the thread, especially if it’s something like “Great idea, yeah! Super fun times awesomeness!” since it doesn’t really add anything to the conversation.
I’m mostly interested in not having to scroll through a bunch of fluff posts to find those that contribute to the conversation.
I tapir this idea. But should it be linked to reputation points? What if you dis tapir someone his idea, but have nothing against the poster.
I understood it in this way: when you like a post, +1 is added to the rep. If you dislike it, just the post get downvoted. If you want to reduce the rep, you have to do it manually.
I really think that “liking” posts (as in Invision Power Board) is way better than rep system cause everyone can see who agrees with what. So there’s no need to post “+1” crap.