I’ve been using q3map2 on and off since about 2005 and now that I’ve gotten back into mapping, I’m starting to notice that some brushes are simply too large to case detailed lightmaps onto. Knowing this, I went into my map and used the cutting tool to divide my one giant brush into about 200 smaller brushes, but no matter how many brushes I use for that surface, the lightmap looks low-detail and jaggy.
my compile options are so:
[q3map2] -meta -samplesize 3"[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -vis -saveprt “[MapFile]”
[q3map2] -light -fast -super 2 -filter -bounce 8 -samplesize 3 -samples 4 “[MapFile]”
the weird part is, my floor is made up of a grid of 64x64 tiles, so I’m guessing because they’re small, they seem to catch sufficiently detailed lightmaps, so I know q3map2 is trying to make good lightmaps, but no matter how small I make the brushes for my walls, the walls still appear to be processing as one huge brush, and therefore get a low-detail lightmap in a very visually obvious place. What’s causing this? how can I fix it?