[QUOTE=singing_fish;231814]Good point, but you’re harder to hit with “net_clientmaxprediction 0”.
We finally blocked it via punkbuster.
I am sure everybody knows the names of the guys who get a PB warning if they join
all the best,
I think you are mistaking net_clientprediction and net_clientmaxprediction
I was talking about maxprediction. A zero value will render the game unplayable. You’d most likely get a constant 7FPS, large yellow and red blocks in the lag-o-meter and rubberbanding for 4 seconds after a single user input.
Moving on…a zero value for net_clientprediction does not make you un-hittable. Your clientprediction value has no bearing on the ability of your opposition to hit you. This reminds me of the old timenudge debate back in W:ET. …Pathetic.
Based on your lack of understanding regarding this cvar you shouldn’t be setting any kinds of restrictions for your server.
Clientprediction was supposed to be intended to be a lag fix but it does more harm than good. I’ve messed around with all sorts of values and zero was the most stable for me. Provided the best hit registry, but even then it was a looong shot away compared to single player. Which is why I refuse to play this game anymore. The netcode is ****. Pro mod was good, but of course nobody plays it anymore.
…Hoping Brink doesn’t suck