Yeah they had a solid Vehicle defense on first obj. When tormentor was up, the plasma was keeping SoulVoid out of range. Were you guys allowed to spawn back? I wonder why there wasn’t more Anansi support on 2nd obj attack, the rocket arty wasn’t super effective although, it didn’t look like they had AIT up.
On the third obj, you guys really shined. I was confused and worried that destroying south would have ended the round. FishStix and that British announcer (Was it tosspot?) really made it sound like that was GG when they rushed South. I assumed you were ceding South for the North lockdown and I was right. There was great Tech work, good gibs and when they did get plants down, you all showed level heads, clearing and disarming. Not enough nades though I hope we can see your attack on 3rd obj at some point.
As I said before, great job and congratulations.
What was the whole experience like? Did you win cool stuff?