Jaymod Weapon Disabling Problems..

(AgentHani) #1

Ive tried and noticed today that After disabling All the weapons using the cvar codes except Luger,Colt,Molotove,Satchel,Engineer Miscs (like pliers n binoculars),Poison injection,Nade,dynamite.

But what did i noticed is Thompson,FG42,Sten,MP40,axis & allies sniper was still enabled, i didnt saw that coming but it should be ofc disabled but idk why its still enabled while ive added the cvar codes for it already.

Jaymod doesnt have much possibilites i guess, because i couldnt find a cvar from them to disable weapon through their number codes…so I took the cvar codes to disable weapons from ETLegacy,

Here it is.

//Weapon enable/disable
weapon_disable 3 // mp40
weapon_disable 8 // thompson
weapon_disable 10 // sten
weapon_disable 22 // airstrike
weapon_disable 23 // kar98
weapon_disable 24 // carbine
weapon_disable 25 // garand
weapon_disable 30 // smoke bomb
weapon_disable 32 // k43
weapon_disable 33 // fg42

And this one ofc its there(usually jaymod has it written alrdy)

set team_maxLandMines “0”
set team_maxGrenLaunchers “0”
set team_maxMG42s “0”
set team_maxArtillery “0”

+On the other hand, after uploading these cvars on the server, i found that when u spawn in a class with thompson or mp40 or the weapons i mentioned, and then when U SWITCH from thompson to binoculars or any weapon…u cant switch to thompson again… thats the weird thing ive noticed, also with FG42,Sten,MP40,Axis and allies sniper.

Any Ideas/Fixes? (Ugh god i wish if jaymod supported lua … )

(Micha) #2

Redsector, the guy who made enhanced mod for jaymod also had a tool on his site in which you could change the damage/spread of the weapons.

His website is off so I cannot give you the download link. Maybe you can find it on your own or pm the author.

(AgentHani) #3

I think i managed it to work perfectly now :smiley: !

Just to let u know what i did :-

1)I made a cfg to disable all the heavy weapons

2)I went to the ModEnhancedConfig.XML

and entered these codes to disable almost all the weapons and enable Pistols and Miscs only.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<!-- configuration example
	- medics spawn with 18 adrenaline syringes
	- medics spawn with 18 revive syringes
	- all classes have 2 molotovs
	- axis and allies having 2 primary weapons(mp40+thomson)
	- axis engineer: 2 rifles
	- allies engineer: 2 rifles
  - axis covert op: 2 scoped weapons
	- allies covert op: 2 scoped weapons
	be aware to make some xml based syntax errors. your config file will not accepted from the mod so ingame you notice only
	the standard predefined stettings from enemy territory.
	for validation tests, try to open with you favorite browser, errors should be displayed.
		<multikilldetection>3</multikilldetection>	  	  <!-- -1 disabled / positive value in [s] detection interval between kills -->
		<modifieddoublejump>false</modifieddoublejump>	 	<!-- experimental modification of the doublejump physics -->
		<advancedplayerinfo>false</advancedplayerinfo>			<!-- shows additional client infos(version/ip) about each player on connection -->
		<disablesecurity>true</disablesecurity>					<!-- disable enhanced mod security features (minor version then jaymod 2.2.0 not recommended) -->
    <autopromotion>true</autopromotion>              <!-- enables the autopromotion system -->

  <promotion xp="2500" level="1">											<!-- if players xp reached (between xp < actual player respawn xp < (xp + maxthreshold) ) do !setlevel level -->
	<promotion xp="5000" level="2">

	<promotion xp="10000" level="3">
	possibile method attributes:
	add, remove, if
	possibile class attributes:
	soldier, medic, engineer, fieldop, covertop
	possibile team attributes:
	axis, allies
	possibile weapon attributes:
	WP_SILENCER (axis silenced luger)
	WP_KAR98  (axis engy rifle)
	WP_CARBINE (allies engy rifle)
	WP_GPG40 (axis engy rifle secondary nade mode)
	WP_M7 (allies engy rifle secondary nade mode)
	// Jaymod 2.1.7+
	<!-- any teams and classes having 8 extra knifes (* = all) -->
  <entity method="if" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_KNIFE">
  	<weapon>WP_KNIFE</weapon>    <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>false</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>8</ammo> 						   <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>1</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

  <entity method="if" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_PANZERFAUST">

 <entity method="if" class="*" team="allies" weapon="WP_THOMPSON">
  	<weapon>WP_THOMPSON</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>false</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>0</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>0</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

 <entity method="if" class="*" team="axis" weapon="WP_MP40">
  	<weapon>WP_MP40</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>false</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>0</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>0</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

 <entity method="remove" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_SMOKE_BOMB"></entity>

  <entity method="if" class="engineer" team="*" weapon="WP_MOLOTOV">
  	<weapon>WP_MOLOTOV</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>false</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>0</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>1</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

  <entity method="if" class="*" team="axis" weapon="WP_LUGER">
  	<weapon>WP_LUGER</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>true</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>50</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>8</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

  <entity method="if" class="*" team="allies" weapon="WP_COLT">
  	<weapon>WP_COLT</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>true</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>50</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>8</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

  <entity method="if" class="*" team="allies" weapon="WP_AKIMBO_COLT">
  	<weapon>WP_AKIMBO_COLT</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>true</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>80</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>8</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

  <entity method="if" class="*" team="axis" weapon="WP_AKIMBO_LUGER">
  	<weapon>WP_AKIMBO_LUGER</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>true</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>80</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>8</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

  <entity method="if" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_SILENCED_COLT">
  	<weapon>WP_SILENCED_COLT</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>true</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>80</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>8</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

  <entity method="if" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_SILENCER">
  	<weapon>WP_SILENCER</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>true</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>80</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>8</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

  <entity method="if" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_STEN">
  	<weapon>WP_STEN</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>false</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>0</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>0</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

  <entity method="if" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_FG42">
  	<weapon>WP_FG42</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>false</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>0</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>0</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

 <entity method="if" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_FG42SCOPE">
  	<weapon>WP_FG42SCOPE</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>false</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>0</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>0</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

 <entity method="if" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_K43">
  	<weapon>WP_K43</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>false</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>0</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>0</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

 <entity method="if" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_K43_SCOPE">
  	<weapon>WP_K43_SCOPE</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>false</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>0</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>0</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

 <entity method="if" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_GARAND">
  	<weapon>WP_GARAND</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>false</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>0</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>0</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

 <entity method="if" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_GARAND_SCOPE">
  	<weapon>WP_GARAND_SCOPE</weapon>     <!-- only relevant when you use the method "if" to set only a weapon on a specific condition --> 
  	<hold>false</hold>           <!-- active gun in hand -->    
    <ammo>0</ammo> 						 <!-- additional ammo  -->
    <ammoclip>0</ammoclip>			 <!-- ammo in gun -->

  <entity method="remove" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_THOMPSON"></entity>

  <entity method="remove" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_STEN"></entity>

  <entity method="remove" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_FG42"></entity>

  <entity method="remove" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_GARAND"></entity>

  <entity method="remove" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_GARAND_SCOPE"></entity>

  <entity method="remove" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_K43"></entity>

  <entity method="remove" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_K43_SCOPE"></entity>

  <entity method="remove" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_FG42SCOPE"></entity>

  <entity method="remove" class="*" team="*" weapon="WP_MP40"></entity>

  <entity method="remove" class="medic" team="*" weapon="WP_MOLOTOV"></entity>
  <entity method="remove" class="soldier" team="*" weapon="WP_MOLOTOV"></entity>

  <entity method="remove" class="fieldop" team="*" weapon="WP_MOLOTOV"></entity>

  <entity method="remove" class="covertop" team="*" weapon="WP_MOLOTOV"></entity>
  1. Rebooted the server