So as a javelin player, I have been called all the names and been told all the reasons why she is op. Here are the counter arguments to them and more. Is she op? no. Is she in need of some tweaking (buffs and nerfs)? yes.
- people often say that the range on the missile is infinite. While this is true, it is kind of an argument that’s totally invalid. After around 15 metres, if you can’t dodge the rocket, it’s because you’re bad. The rocket is only really good up close. Also, you can quite easily shoot down the rocket from a long range too. Now the guided mode is an option but it is just worse than standard. it’s slower and it has the laser pointer. you can incredibly easily use the w and shift keys. (even better if you long jump).
- why does it insta gib rhino. well basically when you are able to hit a rhino in the face with a rocket. I have earned the insta gib. I have been able to directly hit that rhino. if you take 4 nader grenades (28s cd so shorter than the rocket) I can deal 360 damage so… that’s 10X more bs than Javelin as they are less obvious projectiles, have no charge time, have no charge audio, can’t be shot down, are on a faster merc, the merc has smgs, the merc has myterdom etc etc.
- i’m just gunna say it. she is a nerfed fragger. her gun is only better in reload time and has a minimal advantage in range (around 10%) and bloom (again around 10%) compaired to the k121. the k121 has a higher rpm, does more damage per bullet, more bullets per clip, less vertical recoil and fragger also has more hp and then we come to his ability.
in favour of fragger: marginally nigger aoe, has 10s less cd, has a less obvious projectile, the grenade can’t be shot down, the grenade has a silent charge, no visual cues for the nade, can make the nade totally in-reactable in MOST cases, projectile moves faster, less buggy, can be used with fail safe for nade jumps (limited but worth a mention), doesn’t blow up on walls, less movement penalty, less obvious when held and not being cooked, easy to not kill yourself with up close
in favour of Javelin: shorter charge (negligible as it actually has clear audio and visual cues), a direct hit bonus, barely better at objectives (only fragger and thunder are worse than javelin at obj out of any assault or fire support), a useless guided mode that is just going easy on the enemy as it is so obvious, (I’m not mentioning range as I already did), no cook needed
basically anything jav can do, someone can do way better. I do agree that she is too good up close so I want to see something to fix that but I want her ammo buffed and her ranged capability with the rocket buffed. I want guided to be actually viable too. tell me your thoughts and I’ll be happy to have a conversation with you