Seems like just a nerfed version of skyhammer tbh.
I mean, skyhammer’s airstrike takes about the same amount of time to show up, but his designator also blows up and can be used as an indoor grenade.
Not sure how much damage the airstrike itself does, but it’s able to completely one-shot the EV and every merc so for our purposes anything over 1,200 damage (the EV’s health) doesn’t actually matter.
So essentially it’s just a more compact airstrike with a more obvious designator. Maybe with a secondary ability it would work, but tbh we already have a lot of EV-damaging abilities, which makes it a pain to attack sometimes.
I wouldn’t mind it as a sort of outdoor area denial ability though. Maybe reduce the cooldown to below 30 seconds or something, completely remove the objective damage and expand the range and the “light beam” to show the whole area where it’s about to hit. Then after a couple seconds, everything in that area gets killed in a quick flash, sorta like kira’s laser but much larger and only there for a second or whatever. At least then it’s more unique than just another explosive. Might also wanna give him another ability, ammo pack would work but something different would also help set him apart