It's been awhile...

(Hundopercent) #1

Anything new that would want to make me download this app again? It’s been about 8 - 10 months or so.

(Jerry-Rigs) #2

I might be a more worthy opponent for you? (or not :smiley: I crack me up!)

A quick recap:
The final match of “the tournament” (yes, the one started over a year ago) is under way between 2 players that are not know for rapid moves (not a heckle, just a fact) so it may finish in a few more months (that’s a heckle :wink:).
The “Old Guard” of posters (yourself included) has gone silent on the forum.
Forum moderators are not moderating as evidenced by this sticky:
If there are a lot of new players, they don’t post here.
There are no signs of new development or even plans for new development in the app.
Rad Bux purchases have had fire sales apparently to get a quick influx of cash.
Validated bug reports receive hundreds of Bux bounties but updates do not occur.
Android supports Chrome but phones running Android with Chrome do not run the game.
The current OP squad seems to be sniper Juans and Gus’s

In other words, not much has changed. You might run into some harder matches for being out of practice, but maybe not.

Good to hear from you.

(Hundopercent) #3

Thanks for the update happy I stopped playing when I did then. Good to hear from you too man. :slight_smile: