Issues post Update July 18 2011

(togsj777) #21

ours are with hypernia in Sydney australia.

same deal - reiinstalled, stop, start restart, no dice

(FireWorks) #22

Austrias Plan-B was the second server online and worked like a charm yesterday.

(Patriotqube) #23

Any news on this?

Our server located in London UK and Dallas Texas are both down, and our GSP is awaiting some hotfix?

(Smooth) #24

We’re still investigating on our end, not been able to reproduce it yet.

(PowerWing) #25

Perhaps you could communicate with the GSP’s and ask them if they can reproduce it and then see if you can fix it there… A bit round-a-bout and unlikely that they say yes but you could try I think.

(Smooth) #26

Talking to GSPs as well, some early reports say running with TCAdmin (and perhaps similar control panels) doesn’t work but command line does.

(Crispy) #27

[QUOTE=DrDeath<rfa;358168]Logfile from rackage and server config

what is ?
2011-07-18 19:49:42 : Unknown command ‘Configuration’
2011-07-18 19:49:42 : Unknown command ‘
2011-07-18 19:49:42 : Unknown command ‘If’
2011-07-18 19:49:42 : Unknown command ‘If’
2011-07-18 19:49:42 : Unknown command ‘*’[/QUOTE]
Looks like this is due to having empty quote lines followed by full quote lines.


//Configuration File for Brink made by
// Global Hosting Services 2011
//If you use this file please leave this disclaimer intact.
//If a line starts with // it means it is commented out, the same goes for text between /* and */. If a variables follows simply remove the // to activate that specific variable.

It’s not something to worry about.

[QUOTE=DrDeath<rfa;358180]Yep, that is what i thought too. And also isn’t the following a little strange:

2011-07-18 19:49:42 : Unknown command ‘si_mapRotationVote’
2011-07-18 19:49:42 : Unknown command ‘si_spectators’[/QUOTE]
Both of those commands are invalid. They won’t be causing the problem here, but they should be changed. The correct commands are:

g_mapRotationVote ( use as per comment in the official example config )
g_spectatorMode ( “-1” = disabled ; “0” = over the shoulder )

In addition, g_spectateFreeFly 1 will enable spectator flight, overriding over-the-shoulder mode if that is enabled.

(Smooth) #28

While we’re trying to replicate these setups, it would be extremely useful if people having the issue let me know the following:

[li]What operating system is it running on (32 or 64bit)?
[/li][li]Is it a physical box or VM?
[/li][li]Which Control Panel software is being used (if any)?
[/li][li]Is it being run as a service/not?
[/li][li]Is there a local firewall in place?
[/li][li]What type of networking? (Multi-homed? NICs & IPs)[/ul]
Any launch scripts (if you are running TCAdmin then an exported Game Configuration File) or configs you can provide would be helpful as well.

I appreciate end-users won’t know the majority of this information, but any GSP guys reading this will be able to help out.

(Patriotqube) #29

GSP is Game Servers

added that request into my Troubleticket on their site

Hope somthing is figured out soon

Nice to see your on the case
Ofc with Linux Binaries GSP would have been Us --> Just a headsup :slight_smile:

(DrD3ath) #30

Info from Gonzo at Rackage, who has been tearing his hair out all yesterday evening and this am. Thanks Gonzo.

64 bit OS, tcadmin, interface physical not virtual and as a service.

even trying to lauch manualy in whats basically a dos command line on the logged in account still does it.

(Rosie the Riveter) #31

Last night’s server update did not go well :frowning: Windows 2003 64 bit, Chicago based

Update with patch completes
Start up the server with command line from *.bat file:

brink.exe +set net_serverDedicated 1 +si_name "SunLit On the BrinK | FF | VOIP |" +set net_ip +set net_serverPort 27015 +set net_serverPortMaster 27016 +exec server.cfg


//SunLit on the BRINK Server.cfg July 18 update
si_rules "sdGameRulesObjective"
applyServerConfig "Custom"
si_name "^5SunLit On the BrinK ^w| FF | VOIP | VOTE |"
net_serverRemoteConsolePassword "mypw"
si_needpass "0"
g_password ""
// Logging Setting
seta logfile "2"	
seta logTimeStamps "1"	
seta logFileName "console_$Y-$M-$D_$h.$m.$s.log"
si_maxPlayers "16"
si_minPlayers "1"
si_maxTeamSize "8"
si_maxPlayersHuman "16"
si_playmode "2"
si_teamDamage "1"
si_enemyTintEnabled "1"
si_allowovertime "0"
net_serverSnapshotDelay "1"
si_teamVoipEnabled "1"
g_spectatorMode "1"
si_timelimit "30"
si_teamForceBalance "1"
si_disableVoting "0"
bot_minClients "16"
si_botDifficulty "-1"
si_warmupSpawn "1"
g_warmupDamage "0"
si_readyPercent "25"
g_countdown	"0.0"
g_autoReadyWait "0.167"
g_gameReviewPause "0.45" // (Time (in minutes) for scores review time) Defaut .75 =45sec
si_rankRestricted "1"
si_maxRank "4"
g_mapRotationVote "mp/aquarium,mp/ccity,mp/reactor,mp/refuel,mp/resort,mp/sectow,mp/shipyard,mp/terminal"
spawnServer mp/aquarium.entities

Server start up stalls at si_maxPlayersHuman “16” every time

Error window that Brink.exe has stopped responding

Its consistent over 5 uninstalls, reinstalls.
Any suggestions?

More info:
Location: Chicago
Network: 100MB/s, Peer 1 backbone
Operating System: Windows Server 2003 64bit.
Processor: Quad Core Q9400 2.66GHz
Hard Drive Size: 250GB HD
Host: UGS just supplies the server box.
I access the box directly through Windows 7 Remote Desktop
Also running L4D, L4D2, DODS, FAS, TF2 on the same box with no problems

(Crispy) #32

2011-07-18 19:49:42 : Unknown command ‘Configuration’
2011-07-18 19:49:42 : Unknown command ‘
2011-07-18 19:49:42 : Unknown command ‘If’
2011-07-18 19:49:42 : Unknown command ‘If’
2011-07-18 19:49:42 : Unknown command ‘*’

Looks like this is due to having empty quote lines followed by full quote lines.


//Configuration File for Brink made by
// Global Hosting Services 2011
//If you use this file please leave this disclaimer intact.
//If a line starts with // it means it is commented out, the same goes for text between /* and */. If a variables follows simply remove the // to activate that specific variable.

It’s not something to worry about.[/QUOTE]Although we don’t get this parsing error when we ran the same config, execing it from the command line via Steam or from the debug console after boot, which is odd.

(Smooth) #33

A long shot here, but it might be worth checking everything downloaded okay. Could be a content server issue.

[li]brink.exe should have file version 1.0.23565.48095 in properties -> details
[/li][li]pak000.sdpk2 should be exactly 498,277,608 bytes in size[/ul]
Here’s the MD5 checksums for the server files.

Root Files:

351607BF28E9F8942A06C61E52C54741 binkw32.dll
371EB84E9709FB3944D7C4C568B3AE8A brink - windows dedicated server 1.1.pdf
DCAD0E4C3CF27770E743B66DAB156D60 brink.exe
58C5A9C1F5CAB6FA50391088C5B7029A brink_ded1.bat
B3E08996122F0DF76210778F13A122E9 brink_ded2.bat
11F421EE9E79978C3151D35AB7C14787 brink_ded3.bat
57CC154439A60D94AA554B0E86DE7DE1 gamescriptx86.dll
5C0402653C108B5A853554C81955E1C2 gamex86.dll
43B08BA48C50189EE0676A09AFA9A647 steam.dll
D4B48FDF43364047016FC9EF13C209FF steam_api.dll
9E91A17C43B4EBAEE6294D64DE0BC029 steam_appid.txt
5EFA4FE15CC6846A8A210FD48782D840 steamclient.dll
542E12059F8CD34A8D73B719C0A227B4 tier0_s.dll
7AF6953576BFAD2639BEC6DA1118ECC2 vstdlib_s.dll

Base Folder Files:

1906AC0CCB181094FDA0AE51A00075A3 pak000.sdmd2
5DC0F0ACC31223C511F69991EECADA62 pak000.sdpk2
F3DEBE3364AFE2D35080B5D063CFFC86 server_campaign_resistance_coop.cfg
C93BC130A5737795C1CDCE1426B66A2A server_campaign_security_coop.cfg
327FA9B416A335605E72588B3832E68E server_challenge_coop2.cfg
DA04B10F5BC0FDBA2AEF95535632A5B8 server_challenge_coop3.cfg
620CF4FD439968CFAA910FA919904AEE server_challenge_coop4.cfg
7A23BD025BB8623A4CFD9DF4A3274969 server_map_rotation_examples.cfg
43BCABFEEA59D8E6E9164BFF41D15481 server_objective_advanced_vs.cfg
B96BC0C02AE7AC46E8FFA182CD34FF62 server_objective_competition_vs.cfg
F5761782529D40093962C892C940B641 server_objective_oldskool_vs.cfg
D51CB705A31C27D04E55E17E94D23DE7 server_objective_standard_vs.cfg
F9A4EED0B0048D78454D5E30CCC221A3 server_stopwatch_advanced_vs.cfg
570D16D4F1F3B81692349EF141204BCE server_stopwatch_competition_vs.cfg
186DC083596BA44D23CC2E1E22A1DAF4 server_stopwatch_oldskool_vs.cfg
5EE0230D5FEA62280F37711AFB5A5C9E server_stopwatch_standard_vs.cfg

(Crispy) #34

[QUOTE=Rosie the Riveter;358415]

// Logging Setting
seta logfile "2"	
seta logTimeStamps "1"	
seta logFileName "console_$Y-$M-$D_$h.$m.$s.log"

[/QUOTE]Important: You should use logFile 1 for logging from your Dedicated Server. logFile 2 is primarily for crash debugging and will cause a more significant performance hit. Again, this is not going to be the root cause of the issue, just a note for increasing your server’s performance.

(Rosie the Riveter) #35

Ty for the reply
I had only added the log line this morning hoping to get some more information but the server doesn’t get that far but I shall change it up. The log lines were not in the server.cfg yesterday

Because the server was stalling at si_maxHumanPlayers “16”, I tried moving si_playmode “2”
to just under the rules

si_rules “sdGameRulesObjective”
applyServerConfig “Custom”
si_playMode “2”

Now the server stalls at Applied server.cfg Custom

(Smooth) #36

I don’t believe it’s a config issue, I tried your exact setup (excluding the net_ip setting) booting from command line and it worked find for me :frowning:

(Rosie the Riveter) #37

I moved the si_playMode “2” line to the very end just before the spawnServer mp/aquarium.entities
Now I actually get a console window with the following

Edit: nope it appears that it was just coincidental about the si_playMode. Have tried several more times and now it stalls at the Custom rule line again.

Content server location seems more likely however our server file values agree with yours
brink.exe should have file version 1.0.23565.48095
pak000.sdpk2 should be exactly 498,277,608 bytes in size

I have some errands to run but will return to this a bit later
and btw Smooth, thanks for the personal attention :slight_smile:

(togsj777) #38

Lane over at Hypernia gave me this info to post:

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 32-bit, Windows Server 2003 Std 64-bit and Server 2008 Std 64-bit Physical box and VM (tested on both) TCAdmin and tried via batch Yes & No, tried both No direct Internet connection, multiple IPs on the server

hope that helps. -

EDIT: above Lane means they have tried both TCADmin and direct bat file launches with the same result.

I checked the size of the pak file and its the same as you advise. I could not check the brink.exe version…

(GoNz0) #39

I have cut out the middle man and created a login on DrDeaths server for Randles, fingers crossed direct access to a now dead server will help fix this.

(Patriotqube) #40

whats the difference from the servers you test on and the servers the GSP is using?

what i mean is, do they use a hardware/software etc you dont use?