Is this game dead already?

(Nail) #21

the game is dead, the lack of a PC-centric version killed it for the SD fans, the horrible release killed it for consoles, it was different enough that had it worked correctly for consoles on release, (lobbies, lag, etc.) it may have been a huge success, but the publishers lack of timely support pretty much consigned it to the bargain bin. The 20 or so minutes I got to play on the free weekend were truly enjoyable, I lmao for the entire time, good game, poor release

just my opinion

(king_troll) #22

it would be more the no linux dedicated servers that killed the pc version. there are only a few server hosters that can afford all of the licences to have windows OS on the boxes

(Crytiqal) #23

Cause clearly the lack of emtpy servers to join has driven the players away <_<

(Fetter) #24

Yeah, Linux dedicated servers IMO don’t have a whole lot to do with this. I never saw a lack of servers, just a lack of players.

(king_troll) #25

“pro” gamers dont like windows servers, they are not command console, and they use abit of extra cpu, and give lag on client connections, and aload more jizz

(Crytiqal) #26

Clearly the lack of linux servers have driven away the competative gamer <_<

(king_troll) #27

they a all diva`s and spend their lives crying about everything

(Crytiqal) #28

Clearly, all the players who played BRINK were pro player diva’s because they all felt the negative effects of windows servers with their client connection lag and extra cpu usage and therefor left <_<

(ArkRebel) #29

Our server was nearly full today after a few matches, so, the game is not dead for me :slight_smile: (but of course linux-servers would help!)

(king_troll) #30

something along the line of, every game has bugs. brink was suppose to be their next big long term league for team games. but it failed, now they have BF3 and MW3 but are aimed at consoles and not the PC so they will fail too, they will that with brightskins and pic mip and gamma on 10 in the jungle, playing tactics

you get less whines from a 1 month old baby

(wolfnemesis75) #31

Another map pack would be nice. That might light a spark. Definitely worthwhile for the console version. :slight_smile:

(INF3RN0) #32

Worthwhile for you maybe. Worthwhile for SD, Bethesda, or anyone else? Not really. Too much more work on Brink and they will be losing money and we all know that ain’t good business :wink:.

(Cep) #33

I decided to play a game (after 3 months) today just to get a feel for it again. Still the same herpa derpa fest at the moment. The funny thing was, I only got 1 server come up (Oh My Brink) and it wasn’t full either.

Kind of wondering who the clan/wep patches are actually going to get used by?

(DrD3ath) #34

Oh My Brink is sadly no more from today guys. It spent most of the last while empty. Oh Well !

(.Chris.) #35

Oh well, least Super Mario 3DS Land is released next week.

(dazman76) #36

Does that mean that Oh My Strogg has outlived Oh My Brink? I wouldn’t have betted on that before Brink’s release :slight_smile:

I saw what you did there Chris, and I chuckled :slight_smile:

(zenstar) #37

I believe ET:QW is more popular than Brink on the PC, yes.

But that’s always been the argument from the PC point of view: It’s a fresh and new game to the console crowd because they’ve never experienced the style before (well there was the ET:QW port but it was apparently badly handled and not wide spread at all). But from a PC point of view it’s a weaker game than SD’s previous offerings. If the ET:QW port had been properly done and was as successful on console as it was on PC then maybe (we won’t know without inventing time travel) console opinion towards Brink would be completely different.

Or maybe the game actually is better on console. /shrug I’m not shelling out more money for another copy of the game to try it. If I boot up my xbox I have other more console-centric games (IMO) that I’d rather play. I just can’t do an FPS on a joypad unless it’s 3rd person (and even then my aim is horrid), but I’ll happily bounce around in Assassin’s Creed on the xbox over the PC any day of the week.

(Kendle) #38

Just saw a post on that there was a PC patch, so fired up Brink to have a look, no-one to play with really, maybe 3 or 4 servers with people on, all nearly empty apart from 1 that was full, pretty sad really.

What killed it for me is that it’s such an obvious console game, even on PC. The server browser sucked (it sucks less now but that’s not saying much), the control system is horrible, the do everything “F” key is a deal breaker, the SMART system is almost a deal breaker, I’ve been playing FPS games on PC for 10 years, I don’t need my hand held.

The HUD is a mess, the lack of basic customisation options is appalling and frankly unacceptable considering SD’s previous games, the maps are really badly designed, especially for anything other than the most casual of pub games, the fact 25% of the maps on launch were broken is unacceptable (sound bug on 2 out of 8?), dire performance, especially on ATi cards (I’ve upgraded to a 6 core CPU, 8 Gb RAM, and a GTX580 and I still get half the FPS in Brink that I do in BF3 and BF3 is drop dead gorgeous compared to Brink).

The weapon spread is / was a deal breaker, I don’t give a rats arse for the “skill” argument but if you shoot at something and almost every bullet goes elsewhere (a random un-controllable elsewhere) then the gun is broken as far as I’m concerned, who wants to play a first person “shooter” when shooting people is so fundamentally broken?

So many problems, almost all of them IMO down to the fact it was made for casual console gamers, not veteran PC FPS gamers (and by veteran I don’t mean “good” I just mean “experienced”), it’s a real shame, I was so hoping this was going to be the game that kept me hooked for the next few years. It didn’t keep me hooked for even 2 months.

(DrD3ath) #39

It sure does. OMS is still running, but the player count is sadly dwindling. Like Kendle, I was hoping Brink would be the game I’d play for the next few years. Sadly it wasn’t to be.I’ll be parking my gaming self on BF3. I do hope SD pull one out of the bag sometime soon though. They have given me a lot of entertainment over the past number of years.

(light_sh4v0r) #40

Played ETQW yesterday, still 5 full EU servers to pick from, not a single one worldwide for Brink :rolleyes: