Just saw a post on crossfire.nu that there was a PC patch, so fired up Brink to have a look, no-one to play with really, maybe 3 or 4 servers with people on, all nearly empty apart from 1 that was full, pretty sad really.
What killed it for me is that it’s such an obvious console game, even on PC. The server browser sucked (it sucks less now but that’s not saying much), the control system is horrible, the do everything “F” key is a deal breaker, the SMART system is almost a deal breaker, I’ve been playing FPS games on PC for 10 years, I don’t need my hand held.
The HUD is a mess, the lack of basic customisation options is appalling and frankly unacceptable considering SD’s previous games, the maps are really badly designed, especially for anything other than the most casual of pub games, the fact 25% of the maps on launch were broken is unacceptable (sound bug on 2 out of 8?), dire performance, especially on ATi cards (I’ve upgraded to a 6 core CPU, 8 Gb RAM, and a GTX580 and I still get half the FPS in Brink that I do in BF3 and BF3 is drop dead gorgeous compared to Brink).
The weapon spread is / was a deal breaker, I don’t give a rats arse for the “skill” argument but if you shoot at something and almost every bullet goes elsewhere (a random un-controllable elsewhere) then the gun is broken as far as I’m concerned, who wants to play a first person “shooter” when shooting people is so fundamentally broken?
So many problems, almost all of them IMO down to the fact it was made for casual console gamers, not veteran PC FPS gamers (and by veteran I don’t mean “good” I just mean “experienced”), it’s a real shame, I was so hoping this was going to be the game that kept me hooked for the next few years. It didn’t keep me hooked for even 2 months.