I using Smg and shotgun. But both are need accuracy to use because smg is too way fast and shortgun is too way slow. Any tips guys ??
Is there any way to improve my aiming ??
First of all you should drop shotguns. They won’t teach you how to track a target which is a crucial part of the game.
To develop accurate muscle memory you for one have to practice and also need to have your settings configured the correct way.
Open the windows mouse options and disable mouse pointer precision. Then, ensure yourself that the sensitivity slider is set to 6/11, no more, no less, otherwise you lose out on accuracy.
Next up is your sensitivity in-game. A general rule of thumb is to be able to perform a 180° turn from one side of your mouse pad to the other. Mind you that depending on how high your sensitivity was beforehand it might feel very uncomfortable. That’s fine though, it’s part of the learning process. Keep at it and you’ll see yourself improving over time.
This Steam guide gives great advice : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=502716354
@Kirays said:
Open the windows mouse options and disable mouse pointer precision. Then, ensure yourself that the sensitivity slider is set to 6/11, no more, no less, otherwise you lose out on accuracy.
This doesn’t do anything. DB uses raw input by default and ignores any windows settings.
Try it out yourself if you’re curious…set the windows pointer speed to 1/11 and go ingame.
Hey, you’re right, that’s good to know! Nonetheless it’s of importance for the original poster, assuming he does play other games of course.
Don’t forget to enable hit beeps in dirty bomb in sound options.
Then, about overall mouse settings, most people use to prefer long mouse travel to get precise. But that’s not a general situation. Personally, I use quite fast mouse settings. I do a 360° turn in less than 5 cm, and I’m still able to pull over 40% accuracy on smgs when I play regularly. I’ve tried decreasing it, but since I mostly move my wrist and barely my forearm, I never get a grip on slower sensitivity.
At the very start, from what you consider comfortable, try to pay attention whether you’re early or late compared to your target. Early : Slow down your sensitivity, Late, increase it slightly. Repeat that process, keeping in mind that, if you’re set high, that you should always slow it down more than increasing it.
Shotguns and sniper rifles are twitch aiming
Sustained fire weapons are track aiming
It’s not that shotguns are hurting your accuracy, they’re just using a different kind
Twitch aiming is when you develop a distance muscle memory so you can “twitch” your crosshair onto the opponent and then fire. This way you aren’t trying to follow their erratic movements, but are instead “snapping” onto them before you fire. It only works for slow-single-shot weapons.
Tracking aiming is when you’re trying to follow the erratic movements with your mouse. In this case it’s generally better to adapt to your needs. If you find yourself moving the mouse too far or too rapidly, overreacting to their movements, turn the mouse sensitivity down. If you’re always behind their movements, turn it up.
Personally, I tend to overreact with high mouse sensitivity, so mine is turned down. Learning to move with my forearm and aim with my wrist on a medium-low sensitivity has helped a lot.
Also, you can track your aim through games with this lovely tool.
I keep my aim around 40cm per 360
Before a match always pray the lady luck. Most of work is done by her xD
Said that try to focus on players instead of your aim.
I think you have problems with moving objectives like players and not hitting an afk player or mines.
Try to read more how people move and track them. For this reason you should find a mouse sensitivity , crosshair and color that suits yourself and then practice, practice,practice,practice aka play .
Play fps games for 10 years and soon or later you will have a normal aim
No… im well over 1000 hrs and my aim is just as potato as when i started. But i still get the ocasional team with more potatoes than me