A model done in Max5.
So, my model is made of seperate pieces(cylinders champhers and nurbed forms…stack collapsed on completion and UV mapped))that all have a low vertice count(I used optimised and Multires(found in Modifier drop down)to reduce the vertice count as Radient wasnt accepting anything over 1000 vertices on one object(so collectivly all pieces were more than 1000 verts)and would halt on BSP with error.
Finally I managed to wittle down my model to under 1000 verts but I have had to compromise on the form and I am way unhappy at having to do that!!!
Now I have seen in other posts that ppl speak of models with 2 an 3000 verts!
Whats the deal here?
Is there a vert limit hit on a model for running in Radient?
Is there a model vertice hit for Radient/wolf? (max5)
Sorry for being less than clear on my post.
I am using the generic MD3 file extension format for my models(Hewster ,you have mentioned ase. format before but I have no idea on it, where is it, what to do with it, where are Max plugins for it? etc.etc…)and my Q3map(ydnar) is V2.3.0-A1 as this version is what Undead Design prefers to use at this time.
Are there issues with Radient .11, I have heard some conflicting reports on it.
3DS,ASE…can you tell me please what I would need to run these from Max5 into Radient /Wolf…websites or links?
Thanks so much for all your feedback on this!
you can have models with any p-count or size but you have to cut them up into managable chunks if you’re using the *.md3 file format.
1000 verts is the limit (I think bsp/gtk errors out whne you try to load/compile using models of a higher count)
and you can’t have models greater than 1024 unit in any idrection from the center of origan (you’d need to double check this as I’m can’t remember if that’s 1024 in total width [512] in any direction from origan] or 1024 as mention above.
Ydnar and these clever people at the q3map factory have been working on using/importing other model formats, one of these is *.ase which is apparently an export option in Max. I don’t know much about this aspect of q3map2 so you’d need to search about abit to find the correct info on using this approach.
Allright man! Thanks for your input on that…more food for thought…these .ase ones seem to be the way to go!
As I said in the Milkshape forums, you can have MD3 models over 1000 as long as they have groups with less than 1000 in them.
I’ve done at least 6 MD3s with more than 3000 in this way.