Is the Remburg too strong?

(Cordyceps) #1

Lately I’ve been playing a lot of matches where I’m getting absolutely destroyed by Auras using the Remburg. It obviously has a ton of killing potential, arguably more than any of the other shotguns. If you’re turning a corner and an Aura is there, chances are you’ll be dead within seconds and it can be rather frustrating to play against.

(Da_Mummy) #2

Welcome to the world of shotguns in this game.
The Salt-cookies are on the table to your right.

(henki000) #3

Remburg is no doubt best shotgun out there, but because of Auras low HP and health station; you need to use explosives or constant headshots to deal with her. Remburg is not too strong, actually shotguns are not performing that well against SMG’s and AR’s imo. You just need to keep your optimal distance against them and maintain your element of surprise. Teamwork helps too and people are usually swarming close to health station, waiting for breach. Making them even more vulnerable for explosives and opening side routes in casual gameplay. I would use Blishlok because Aura is more effective reviving your teammates on background. Underground, chapels first spawn, bridges last spawn and vaults middle might be a exception, but swapping a merc/weapon in midair could be a risky move. I’m not sure about Castle yet.

(GatoCommodore) #4

Anhuld is better imo
but almost nobody used it because usually its rhino (minigun) or fletcher (Blishlok/empire9)

(Szakalot) #5

ahnuld > remburg > hollunds

(Craikn) #6

i was aura…run with 100% hp out of my healthstation “suddenly a wild proxy appears” …“Proxy ! Remburgattack !” onehit down…not even headshot…on 100% hp :I

(kirinichiban42) #7

I definitely agree the Remburg has more killing potential than before, but it’s still very situational (like pretty much how all other shotguns have been).

Through firsthand experience and by watching others, shotguns are best used as a defensive or ambush weapon (with the former being easier to pull off and the latter being much harder). Shotguns are meant to punish mistakes or bad positioning rather than initiate combat.

As insultingly simple as it may sound, the best way to deal with the Remburg (and really any shotgun) is to not fight on the enemy’s terms. For example, don’t charge into an Aura nest and try to duke it out; use longer range weapons or explosives. Never chase someone with a shotgun, always keep your distance (good life lesson in general). If a shotgun user takes two steps towards you, then take two steps back. It is surprising how easy it is to pick off shotgun users at range.

Of course, there are instances where you can’t do much (limited space, using a slow merc, etc.). Unfortunately, that’s the reality when playing games like these because you can’t have control over every single variable in the game. However, by learning the correct strategies, you can minimize the chance of these events happening.

Overall, I think these initial problems are the symptoms of growing pains as the shotguns get rebalanced. I’m sure people will subconsciously get used to dealing with shotgun enemies as they have in the past. It just takes a bit of time.

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #8

@kirinichiban42 said:
I definitely agree the Remburg has more killing potential than before, but it’s still very situational (like pretty much how all other shotguns have been).

Through firsthand experience and by watching others, shotguns are best used as a defensive or ambush weapon (with the former being easier to pull off and the latter being much harder). Shotguns are meant to punish mistakes or bad positioning rather than initiate combat.

As insultingly simple as it may sound, the best way to deal with the Remburg (and really any shotgun) is to not fight on the enemy’s terms. For example, don’t charge into an Aura nest and try to duke it out; use longer range weapons or explosives. Never chase someone with a shotgun, always keep your distance (good life lesson in general). If a shotgun user takes two steps towards you, then take two steps back. It is surprising how easy it is to pick off shotgun users at range.

Of course, there are instances where you can’t do much (limited space, using a slow merc, etc.). Unfortunately, that’s the reality when playing games like these because you can’t have control over every single variable in the game. However, by learning the correct strategies, you can minimize the chance of these events happening.

Overall, I think these initial problems are the symptoms of growing pains as the shotguns get rebalanced. I’m sure people will subconsciously get used to dealing with shotgun enemies as they have in the past. It just takes a bit of time.

Yes… and, like everything else in this game, it will remain obnoxious when used in excess. Personally my only real gripe with it is how much returns it has compared to the amount of required aim at certain ranges; in these cases they really just have to point in the general direction of their target and they will still do decent damage as opposed to a 1-2shot kill (this is typically at the lower end of medium range). For a gun intended to be more for close-quarters encounters it rewards mindless spraying way too heavily in some cases; or, at least, feels like it does at times (this is entirely subjective and is just my opinion so, for all-intents-and-purposes, it could just be all in my head).

P.S. I actually do agree with your points on this matter but there is a bit of truth behind my snarky retort, a truth that had to be mentioned at some point. :wink:

(kirinichiban42) #9

@-OCB-Wildcard said:
Yes… and, like everything else in this game, it will remain obnoxious when used in excess. Personally my only real gripe with it is how much returns it has compared to the amount of required aim at certain ranges; in these cases they really just have to point in the general direction of their target and they will still do decent damage as opposed to a 1-2shot kill (this is typically at the lower end of medium range). For a gun intended to be more for close-quarters encounters it rewards mindless spraying way too heavily in some cases; or, at least, feels like it does at times (this is entirely subjective and is just my opinion so, for all-intents-and-purposes, it could just be all in my head).

P.S. I actually do agree with your points on this matter but there is a bit of truth behind my snarky retort, a truth that had to be mentioned at some point. :wink:

I see what you are saying. :wink:

There’s no denying that the Remburg (and every other shotgun) is not exactly where it should be in terms of balance. They still need some tweaking and are frustrating to fight against at times.

(Brycko) #10

I think it has a tad too much range; the only people really using it are Proxy and Aura, who are much more ‘in your face’ kind of mercs, so I wouldn’t mind a slight range nerf. It definitely has some of the best damage tho.

(Gire) #11

Ya it really wrecks my self confidense when me and my team get absolutetly destroyed by bunny hopping mine throwing/shooting proxy with a Remburg

(HadronZodiac) #12

Yeah rhemburg needs a range and slight damage nerf, anhualf could use slightly less damage, and hollunds could use a bit more range and actual hit detection (so many games where an immobile enemy barely takes damage from 5 direct shots…)