Is stoker the new tryhard merc?

(ThunderZsolt) #1

Since the balance update, I’ve noticed an increase of lvl50+ Stoker tryhards (on any map, not just underground).
I remember a few ones, but almost everyone played Arty or Fragger until Arty’s arsenal got decimated.

The dreiss is still very good, but not everyone likes it, could be that people swithced to full auto rifles?


I’m interested in this topic since it’s been a long time from the last time I played.

If Stoker’s molotov got nerfed I’d be pretty sad.


I’m not seeing it, but Arty has died off a lot. That’s always a good thing.

(GatoCommodore) #4

@Wintergreen said:
I’m not seeing it, but Arty has died off a lot. That’s always a good thing.

not many are good playing arty.
if you know the map and how to operate arty you can get a lot of haxx accusation

(hoyes) #5

I still don’t think stokers that good, but that’s probably due to the number of bugs surrounding his ability, severely affecting its consistency against the ev and generators. Fragger on the other hand, despite the nerf, is still an extremely powerful and consistent pick (and always will be better than jav at killing) , and tbh I enjoy playing him much more than stoker simply due to the increase of skill he requires to get kills.I really hate impact nades in any game, because they just have zero counterplay in a 1v1.

Stoker, is outclassed in my eyes, by kira at area denial, as he can be countered by shooting nades/smoke at it, and by javelin at killing, as stokers damage is pitiful unless someone carelessly walks into the flames.

I really think he needs a rework, to not make it impact, and make it more effective at killing AND area denial. I feel this would be for the better of the game and make him much more rewarding to play in my eyes.

(Your worst knifemare.) #6

This means Guardians doing her spam blocking nicely.

(LifeupOmega) #7

Sawbonez and raw self sustain > All

(woodchip) #8

@jooshoyes said:
I still don’t think stokers that good, but that’s probably due to the number of bugs surrounding his ability, severely affecting its consistency against the ev and generators. Fragger on the other hand, despite the nerf, is still an extremely powerful and consistent pick (and always will be better than jav at killing) , and tbh I enjoy playing him much more than stoker simply due to the increase of skill he requires to get kills.I really hate impact nades in any game, because they just have zero counterplay in a 1v1.

Stoker, is outclassed in my eyes, by kira at area denial, as he can be countered by shooting nades/smoke at it, and by javelin at killing, as stokers damage is pitiful unless someone carelessly walks into the flames.

I really think he needs a rework, to not make it impact, and make it more effective at killing AND area denial. I feel this would be for the better of the game and make him much more rewarding to play in my eyes.

Nah. Stoker is really strong. I main him and I think he would be one of the last characters I would buff.

You’re using the molotov wrong if you are trying to have it solo people. Think of it as an AoE 45 damage nade that also can block retreats and can be thrown at a moments notice indoors or out. Molotov by itself isn’t going to get kills but Molotov + gun devastates anyone in the area of effect.

(Demonic_Muff1n) #9

i’ve always been a stoker main and im not even lvl 20 yet. stoker just suits my playstyle for me with the area denial plays. One thing i see players do is always try to throw the molotov and try and get a cheeky kill just for the lols. This is the wrong way to play stoker, you should use it to block off corridors and tight spaces to prevent the enemy from advancing.

(Greehn) #10

I can confirm. Signed a previous Arty main turned Stoker main.

(Sytry) #11

Arty is only good for against ev and open area while stoker can prevent movement and capture objectieve for a moment.

(Sorotia) #12

Was the opposite for me…I played a lot of Timik Stoker till Javelin, and she isn’t great but I played Guardian a lot.

But mostly been taking a break from the game partially due to frustration and partially because I could use a break.

(Wulie) #13

I dont think stoker is THAT much out of balance, compared to other fire support mercs- I mean, the Incendiary doesnt burn really long, and it does not as much damage as another FS- Merc could do in that time- its just better inside where other Mercs air- reliant skills are useless. I think its a fair trade…