Hey I’m new to the Forums and I’d really like to know if Brink’s gonna be like Team Fortress 2 or get a slight customization of weapons thanks
Is Brink going to be like Team Fortress 2 or something?
Hi and a warm welcome Beast Mexy!
It will be somewhat like that, but it is a new and modern game with new stuff and concepts.
Although there similarities (classes, for example: soldier, medic et cetera), there are also tons of differences.
The SMART system gives you a chance to move around in a more free, parkour, style. There are lots of customizing options too, where characters, based on “archetypes”, can be equipped and changed according to your needs and prefered playing-style.
The game will also remove some of the differences between single player and online gaming, e.g. things you do off-line follows you into your online play.