Is Aimee the next Phantom?

(TheStrangerous) #1

Recon mercs are the most controversial, and hard as nut to balanced mercs.

It’s no wonder whether they can be either OP or UP with absolutely no middle ground. I remember when Aimee was released, she was considered a better Vassilli, but now it looks like the tables have flipped.

Tell me, is she another garbage tier merc, with all these changes? Last time I’ve checked the popularity poll, she was really low…

(Da_Mummy) #2

She is actually one of the least used mercs in the game along Redeye and Thunder a cording to @c4Te.
But with all these nerfs to the bolt actions and slight buffs to the Grandeur incoming there is less reason to play Vassilli and more to choose Aimee and surprisingly Redeye.
The PDP is just the better option nowadays and combined with Aimees crippling abilities she might just be the new tryhard sniper.

(GatoCommodore) #3

@Da_Mummy said:
She is actually one of the least used mercs in the game along Redeye and Thunder a cording to @c4Te.
But with all these nerfs to the bolt actions and slight buffs to the Grandeur incoming there is less reason to play Vassilli and more to choose Aimee and surprisingly Redeye.
The PDP is just the better option nowadays and combined with Aimees crippling abilities she might just be the new tryhard sniper.

yea PDP is just really good for me.
ive been using Fel-IX and grandeur but it doesnt really feels as good as PDP

(frostyvampire) #4

Still maining her. I’m just waiting for them to fix the FEL-IX weapon switch glitch :frowning:

(Guziol) #5

I like her a lot. Selection of weapons is varied enough and i really like the snitch. Overall my opinion on her has stayed unchanged for a long time which is that she is probably the most balanced recon merc.

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #6

I always figured there wasn’t much that Aimee can do that Vassili or Redeye can’t. Yeah she has her SNITCH Cripple Effect, but that’s really only useful against Rhino and Thunder (who probably won’t ever be played over Fragger), and you’d have to be using the FEL-IX, not to mention that it can the cripple can be cleared with healing. All the snipers have access to the PDP, so it’s not like that is exclusive to her, the MOA is still really good, the Grandeur is probably the best gun in the game with proper aim, and the Dreiss ain’t too shabby either. Smoke Grenade is good with coordination, and the Heartbeat Sensor is a lot harder to find than the SNITCH (without Bomb Squad, obviously), and it is better at spotting.
The SNITCH is best with communication and focus fire, but that isn’t exactly easy to come by, in pubs anyways. So I guess the debate in competitive is, is it better to have the tactical advantage of a smoke grenade, or the combat advantage of the SNITCH?
I wouldn’t say she’s the next Phantom, just on the fact that Aimee is actually useful and Phantom is the equivalent of a Spy in TF2; he can wreck pubs, but a coordinated team can turn him into Swiss cheese as soon as someone hears him cloak or decloak.

(fryszopen) #7

i dunno man, i’ve been landing some great shots with aimee and it’s felix SR

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #8

I always use her over pink Robin Hood, wish she could use Driess. That ugly Obsidian and the derpy Grandeur isn’t really helping with her popularity.

(SiwaonaDaphnewen) #9

Personally i think her main problem is a way too similiar concept to Vassili.

Like Vassili she requires to to constantly have her SNITCH deployed, but the SNITCH is worse spot device than HBS because it requires direct vision so you have to pick positions so it would spot targets in your blind zones but remain unnoticed. And yet the debuff kinda notifies enemy that snitch is nearby and they totally didn’t get spotted by HBS behind the wall.

All of this make SNITCH far easier to lose. Once that happens you turn into just a sniper with worse HP, worse secondary and no spotting.

Although her SNITCH debuff is awesome at buffing weapons in current balance which is the main argument to take her over Vas and RE, but those are simply more reliable and tactically usefull.

What could be done here is to move towards throw&forget trap concept:
-Make SNITCH constant;
-Increace amount of SNITCHes to 2;
-Increace amount of SNITCHes deployed at same time to 2;
-Reduce SNITCH spot radius;
-Reduce throw range;
-Increace CD to 20 sec;

This would move her from spotting towards making SNITCH traps and create a better tactical utility of it: creating traps in different parts of map at same time and secure small choke points instead of big area.