So most mercs in DB have their 3 primary weapons set up as default, alternative and ‘different’. Example: Skyhammer has the M4 as his default, the Timik has his ‘alternative’ and the BR burst rifle as his ‘different’. All shotgun mercs have two shotguns and then an SMG ‘different’ weapon (apart from Rhino). The ‘different’ weapon choice is designed to give mercs another viable option when it comes to combat.
On release, Thunder recieved that Stark, which was considered a very overpowered weapon for his character, until it got severely nerfed with the horizontal recoil patch. Frankly, given that Thunder’s development has turned him more towards a close range tank, I don’t think the weapon really belongs on him anymore. So, I ask…
Taking into account his playstyle, what ‘different’ weapon would you replace Thunder’s Stark with?
Ideally it would have to be something other than an AR and that matches his playstyle. I wouldn’t suggest something like the BR because because that’s already fairly widely used weapon.
A lot of people are going to hate me for this, but I think a weaker shotgun, like the Anhuld, could work with his close range playstyle, and given the recent damage nerfs it would have around the same TTK as the MK46 in a concuss and charge scenario. Alternatively, I think the Shar-C would be a good alternative as a hard-hitting ranged weapon.