Hi, I realise i might sound stupid asking, but what is the meaning of: Infractions 0/1 (1) underneath some user tags?
lol Sockdog xD
It means this person has received a warning or infraction for posting something against the rules. You can have a number of infractions active before you get banned.
Infractions expire over time, so the 0 / 1 means that theirs is about to expire.
The exact meaning is this:
0/1 (1) The member has 0 active infractions. They typically only last ten days, but they stack, so if you get two useless post infractions quickly, they will last 20 days. The right side indicates the total number of [EDIT: past] infractions, in this case: 1. The number in the parentheses is the number of points the member has accumulated. More serious infractions have greater point values. Point totals are what net bans.
The only other thing worth noting is warnings. If an infraction is listed as a warning, you get 0 points. Thankfully, with this community, most infractions are warnings.
Oh yeah, warnings on a post will show a yellow card. Point-bearing infractions on a post will show a red card in the bottom right corner.
I think it would be helpful if when they sent the pm about the infraction, along with the reason they gave you what post they’re referring to. As when I got my infraction it was “Useless Post” but when I looked through my recent posts to see why I had it, there wasn’t the “infraction issued” or w/e the little red box is (or yellow for that matter) by any of my posts, and it didn’t look like any of them had been removed.
I think the actual reason I got it was for how I tagged a thread, but that wouldn’t really count as a post would it?
You do get a pm. If you go into ‘My Dashboard’ you can view where you received infractions.
[QUOTE=Aristotle;330144]I think it would be helpful if when they sent the pm about the infraction, along with the reason they gave you what post they’re referring to. As when I got my infraction it was “Useless Post” but when I looked through my recent posts to see why I had it, there wasn’t the “infraction issued” or w/e the little red box is (or yellow for that matter) by any of my posts, and it didn’t look like any of them had been removed.
I think the actual reason I got it was for how I tagged a thread, but that wouldn’t really count as a post would it?[/QUOTE]
Or you can stop being useless!
Indeed, you can’t directly infract tags so it should be dealt with a PM instead.
There’s not much to worry about. The system allows you to be an ass at regular intervals.
Yeah I know, I was saying that when you get it they should tell you where you got it, like a link to the post, or a thread you tagged.
All my PM said was “Useless Post”.
Considered briefly giving everyone the thread an infraction, but I suspect that would be viewed as abuse, and also cheapen the infraction system.
FYI - jRad’s documented message to you was “Please don’t add insulting/useless tags to threads.”
Oh, I must have missed that, I assume that was in the PM sent as on my dashboard is just shows the reason, and not an explanation.
Can’t say 100%. The functionality might be different, since your infraction was not linked to a post. It “SHOULD” have been in the PM.