Increase the level requirement for competitive

(majesticCape) #1

Hello great game you have there dog bless.

With that being said, level 5 is a way too low level requirement to play ranked. I’m going to go through a few things that one should have the basic understanding of in order to play comp half-properly:

  • How the spawn times work and not taking full spawns every other death
  • Map knowledge
  • Team composition (having the sense to take more medics/objective specialists when required and not just 3-4 skyhammers or vasilis)
  • Decent loadout cards (the effects aren’t massive, I know, but stuff like Get Up or Lock-On can really decide the fight at times
  • Having enough mercs: at the very least one objective specialist, a medic and a DPS apart from Sky and Aura

List goes probably on, but that’s enough points already. Are those points attainable at level 5? No, not really. Considering DB isn’t as straightforward as CS or CoD, you really need to put in some time to learn the basics of the game. In it’s current form, competitive is a joke, along with it’s rank system. It’s pure lottery whether you get decent teammates or not especially due to huge skill gaps.

Suggestion: increase the level gap to something like 10, 15 or maybe even 20. I’m not 15 or 20 myself, but I’d rather suck it up and do my time playing the game until reaching the said level than jump in, knowing that at the very least the teammates have is some experience of the game. As opposed to confused level 5s saying the very first thing when the map loads “gee, I haven’t played this map yet”, which may have a demoralizing effect on some folks.

Dog bless

([GER] eclipsE) #2

I don’t think this should be changed. Just get some Friends to play with you and you can capitalize on exactly these players with ease.
Let them learn it the hard way, if they want to.

(Dwu) #3

Instead of increasing the limit, there should be an options to only matchmake with lvl 10 / 15 / 20+. More pleasurable games for everyone.

(Natemajor) #4

[quote="[GER] eclipsE;39041"]
Let them learn it the hard way, if they want to.[/quote]
The problem with that is Most Level 5 players just got into the game and either don’t care to learn or are in the midst of learning. They haven’t completely learned if at all.

(majesticCape) #5

[quote="[GER] eclipsE;39041"]I don’t think this should be changed. Just get some Friends to play with you and you can capitalize on exactly these players with ease.
Let them learn it the hard way, if they want to.[/quote]

I don’t want to go 60-0 against low levels who have barely any idea how to play the game, I want to play against opponents who know how to play with people who know how to play. Currently the only way to get any decent opponents is through a scrim finder + private servers which eliminates the idea of playing a competitive game mode.

No. Ranked should be skill based, not level based. Anything else would promote tier smurfs and such in the long run. An experienced player (say, level 40) can still be bad due to lack of talent, just as a low level can be good enough to be considered a worthy opponent against higher levels.

(FailJertsu) #6

Maybe increase the level requirement to 10 or 15?

I think most of the 10 lvl players will somewhat know the basics of the game.

(Dwu) #7


No. Ranked should be skill based, not level based. Anything else would promote tier smurfs and such in the long run. An experienced player (say, level 40) can still be bad due to lack of talent, just as a low level can be good enough to be considered a worthy opponent against higher levels.[/quote]

Having time requirement in matchmaking introduced via level requirement does however give them time to ban blatant hackers before they get to ruin games for more experienced players & the core community. This is free to play, the hackers are there, will be there and there sure as hell will be many. No anticheat is gonna fix that, the least you can do is buy time to detect them before they hit the majority population. No one suggested lvl 40 as a cap either, which would take a considerable amount of gameplay time, while lvl 20 is achievable in 200 hours of gameplay.

(XavienX) #8

I think somewhere around lvl 10 would be nice for the limit.

(Yahiko94) #9

I created a thread with a bunch of improvements for the competetive mode.

Click here to read it…

One of the suggestions is a mode where people can group up without being forced to play competetive. Thats almost the reason why low level players are playing it.