The less time we have to fool around and the more time they have to work on it, the sooner the game will be good enough to be released. We all want to play now, but we also want the game to be officially released.
[IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT] Back Soon with Extra Awesome
[quote=“impishStroll;3424”]where is the kink to down load the game please …???
There is no link to download the game, it is currently offline and once the next beta starts you will need a beta key to download it from Steam.
Is there an ETA for ETA? I mean, when you’ll be able to give us some info about when the next phase might be up?
i signned in after january’s 15th day, i need to wait until the next year ?
Blasted, spent loads of time lurking in Kudochop’s stream for the raffle keys, alas he ran out of codes, and I was not chosen!
I hope the downtime is no longer than a few weeks, cause it’s like having a taste of something glorious, only to know it’ll be out of stock!
yes, some of us are Founders
How did you become a founder, when will this be available again and how do I sign up for it?
i still have not got a key i signed up Jan 5 and still no keys
SOL = poo out of luck
Founders were a one time thing at the beginning of the alpha test, we were the founding members of the test team. At the time, people could buy in as a founder or be invited by Splash Damage, buy ins for VIP were $320 US down to $75 for later access. Founders get fancy gun tags and stuff, plus we got swag
here’s pic, guns were not included