I'm new but also old

(_Eclipse_) #1

Hi there!
I’m and old ET player (played A LOT of True Combat: Elite too back in the days), nowadays you can find me throwing nades around in Dirty Bomb.

I also work for Splash Damage, but not on DB :slight_smile:


(Mustang) #2

Welcome, don’t work too hard.

(_Eclipse_) #3

and sadly that’s the only thing left to do since the foosball table is still broken :frowning:

(edxot) #4

you played wolf et, and now you play db …

is db better ? in what way ?

PS: not trying to start an argument, i am indeed curious (never played db).

(Nail) #5

[QUOTE=edxot;552409]you played wolf et, and now you play db …

is db better ? in what way ?

PS: not trying to start an argument, i am indeed curious (never played db).[/QUOTE]

you realize it’s free, right ?

go to Steam and download

(_Eclipse_) #6

You should try it yourself!

It’s a different thing, ET wasn’t as fast paced, but in the end I think that DB is a more interesting game. I love ET, it’s still lots of fun, but I think it made it’s time, we are ready to try something new.

Dirty Bomb is more like “Counterstrike meets Team Fortress 2”, characters in DB are like classes in ET, but while in ET it was more about slightly altering your game, in DB each character has a dramatically different play style. You also NEED to switch from a character to another one in your team while playing. Enemy is walled up in defense? maybe switching to a sniper can cause them to spread more. Your team needs to deliver objectives and close the match, or enemy just planted c4? Leave your bulky Rhino for a moment and run with Proxy. And so on…

Maps in DB are smaller (probably, maybe they just feel like that), but have more obstacles and intricacies, they look like maps in CS or True Combat, but are also designed to make good use of wall jumps and long jumps. There’s a lot to know and discover, lots of very good spots for every kind of character. And all of them are quite balanced. (who complains about spawn killing never played ET… spawnkilling there was kind of an art!)

(edxot) #7

did you try etqw ?

never played teamfortress, but cs was not bad

(Kl3ppy) #8

[QUOTE=edxot;552457]did you try etqw ?

never played teamfortress, but cs was not bad[/QUOTE]

Dont play DB, there will be more hackers who hack your motherboard …

(light_sh4v0r) #9

I saw this post in the ‘latest replies’ box, and without opening the topic I knew who this was aimed at xD

(edxot) #10

kleppy, your comment shows how naive you are. and it was not really necessary, because your computer specs, tell more than anything else.
also related to that, i should say that your comment was too much 90s, and this is 2016 already.

btw, not all is bad news. meaning: don’t worry that is not likely that i will play any on-line game in the near future.

off-topic 4 fun:
someone deleted my yesterday post on etqw thread (even bots have more privileges than me !!)

(Nail) #11

so, rather than asking random people about a free game, have you downloaded and tried it ?
or are you afraid someone will hack your keyboard ?

(edxot) #12

should i pay more attention to random noise then ?

meanwhile youtube does not sleep and started to spam me with cod4 whenever possible, hahaha

(edxot) #13

[QUOTE=Eclipse;552438]You should try it yourself!

It’s a different thing, ET wasn’t as fast paced, but in the end I think that DB is a more interesting game. I love ET, it’s still lots of fun, but I think it made it’s time, we are ready to try something new.

Dirty Bomb is more like “Counterstrike meets Team Fortress 2”, characters in DB are like classes in ET, but while in ET it was more about slightly altering your game, in DB each character has a dramatically different play style. You also NEED to switch from a character to another one in your team while playing. Enemy is walled up in defense? maybe switching to a sniper can cause them to spread more. Your team needs to deliver objectives and close the match, or enemy just planted c4? Leave your bulky Rhino for a moment and run with Proxy. And so on…

Maps in DB are smaller (probably, maybe they just feel like that), but have more obstacles and intricacies, they look like maps in CS or True Combat, but are also designed to make good use of wall jumps and long jumps. There’s a lot to know and discover, lots of very good spots for every kind of character. And all of them are quite balanced. (who complains about spawn killing never played ET… spawnkilling there was kind of an art!)[/QUOTE]

ok, seen some youtube videos now.

there are a few things that look better than in et or etqw
colours are better (you can tell friends from foes easier than in et or etqw)
smaller maps provide better games with small teams.
and the idea that you have 4 types of medics looks interesting.

i had a bad impression about that game because of all the negative comments that i would occasionally see in this forum.
but i have produced some negative comments about et and etqw too (my favorite games).

(Nail) #14

you need to download and play the game or STFU
your choice