ignore threads

(Joe999) #1

it would be really super-awesome if there were a feature with which you can hide/ignore threads

for a start the “Hide Threads Posted By Ignored Users” feature as described in here would work for me as well:


by the way, above also shows how to completely hide a posting of an ignored user instead of showing “This message is hidden because <user> is on your ignore list”. having this would totally rock!

update: just found out that hiding “This message is hidden …” is possible via greasemonkey & custom javascript in case others want that as well:

update 2: found another greasemonkey script which allows hiding of threads created by certain users. it also contains the code from the script above. if anyone else wants it, you need to edit “username1”, “username2”, “username3”. it makes the ignore function of this forum obsolete:

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Zass Vbulletin Ignore
// @namespace      Zass
// @description    completely ignore posts by users and threads started by users
// @include        http://www.website.com/forums/*
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
	var allT; 
	var allR;
	var plonk = new Array(); 
	var ignore_threads_from = ["username1", "username2", "username3"];
	for (var i = 0; i < ignore_threads_from.length; i++){
    plonk[ignore_threads_from[i]] = ignore_threads_from[i];
	allT = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
	for (var i = 0; i < allT.length; i++) {
	    if(allT[i].innerHTML.match(/This message is hidden because <strong>(\w+)<\/strong> is on your <a href=\"profile/)){
	    	//Add ignored user to list of ignored users
	    	plonk[RegExp.$1] = RegExp.$1;

	// Remove posts that quote a user on the ignore list
	for (var i = 0; i < allT.length; i++) {
		for (var x in plonk) {
		    if(allT[i].innerHTML.match("Originally Posted by <strong>"+plonk[x]+"</strong>")){
	    	if(allT[i].innerHTML.match("<div>[^]*This message is hidden because <strong>"+plonk[x]+"<\/strong> is on your <a href=\"profile")){

  allR = document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
	// Remove posts started by a user on the ignore list
	for (var i = 0; i < allR.length; i++) {
   		for (var x in plonk) {
		    if(allR[i].innerHTML.match("<span .*>"+plonk[x]+"</span>")){


(Apples) #2

True dat, this joe999 guy is getting irritating!

(DarkangelUK) #3

No point apples, he probably has you on ignore. Not sure how he’ll see Badman’s reply, he probably has him on ignore too. Can you see this joe? :smiley:

(Joe999) #4

yes, i can! i don’t have apples on ignore, he didn’t stick out yet. but his sig is annoying, since it forces me to see stuff that i do have on ignore … also, the sig lacks [stuff] if it’s supposed to be authentic

(Apples) #5

The hardest work is to find the only phrases without the bracket, which make no more sense than the rest of the usual shenanigans :smiley:

(Joe999) #6

little update. if you want to remove links to ignored users on the topic overview page, eg shown when someone replied (last post), add the following to above script:

        // remove links to ignored users
	var allA; 
	allA = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
	for (var i = 0; i < allA.length; i++) {
   		for (var x in plonk) {

(Pytox) #7

This is so awesome :slight_smile:

(Crytiqal) #8


so this is like a firefox plugin am I right?
And you feed it this script and it can block/hide threads/posts from users you have on your ignore list?

Interesting how that would work…

(Joe999) #9

it’s a firefox plugin. greasemonkey scripts are supported by chrome too.

the way it works: postprocessing. when the website is displayed, it iterates through the site and checks for the given usernames. if some textpatterns match, the nodes of the xml/html tree are set to invisible. it happens all on the client. but works perfectly. unless i disable the script i can’t even see the name of someone i have on ignore. even quoted posts are hidden. in short: i can’t read stuff of someone i have on ignore, even if i wanted to :smiley:

it doesn’t use the ignore list of this site. you have to specify the ignore list in the script, (“username1” etc)

(xTriXxy) #10

this is good idea but why ignoring someone?

(Joe999) #11

to avoid wasting time with trolls, spam whores and [very] annoying people

(xTriXxy) #12

this is forum with many options. you can always rate threads. rate posts.
this forum have rules and admins. If you think some topic is against rules, you can report this post.
and if you have that feeling u are more advanced like others on this forum, there is always mensa forum.

(Joe999) #13

[QUOTE=xTriXxy;254660]this is forum with many options. you can always rate threads. rate posts.
this forum have rules and admins. If you think some topic is against rules, you can report this post.
and if you have that feeling u are more advanced like others on this forum, there is always mensa forum.[/QUOTE]

haha, this is funny, especially when it comes from the one who created the “Lol at Bethesdas Brink forum” thread

(xTriXxy) #14

are you personally affected with this thread?

(DarkangelUK) #15

You’re citing options that the forum has, when really joe is already using one of those options… block user. I guess he’d rather just ignore the crap than try to fix unfixable people.

(xTriXxy) #16

if you will search more on vbulletin forums, or just google or vbuleltin hax forum you will find that this mod is not supported anymore. lot of people have problems after its implementation.
installing custom code to well running forum its not good idea. it can make lot of unexpected problems.

(brbrbr) #17

nonsense !!
blasphemy !!
summon Fidel Castro spirit to THIS thread

(darthmob) #18

You know you can just … ignore those threads? You don’t need a feature for that. Just don’t click on the title.