idea for Katana rework

(Raven_Marine) #1

to put it bluntly
give a charge option to the katana stab. the more you rightclick and hold the more powerful the damage becomes
a quick stab by just pressing the rightclick will deal 70 damage,
holding the rightclick for 1 second deals 85 damage,
holding the rightclick 2 seconds will deal 100 damage,
holding the rightclick 2.5-3 seconds will deal 110-115 damage
(i’d recommend that, time and damage should change depending on weapon performance)
stab can be charged while sprinting, and when being used by phantom, starting the charge will de-cloak him if he is invisible.

change the slash damage to 50-55 (and increase the range or attack speed if under powered)

give phantom a slight speed buff to balance the merc , hopefully this will make phantom more maneuverable to make up for the lack of damage, and will give a higher TTK time to the katana, allowing more reaction time to the opponent,
this will hopefully also discourage players from camping and spamming stab to get quick kills on low health mercs, all the while still being a deadly weapon in the hands of a experienced player

(Gire) #2

So nerf the Katana so it cant 1 shot low hps, but then ill just use the cricket bat to do exactly the same job, nerf cricket bat too and then ill use knifes with chopper to also do the same job.

tl:dr all melee weapons can 1 shot low hps mercs and 2 - 3 shot skyhammers…etc

(Raven_Marine) #3

@Gire said:
So nerf the Katana so it cant 1 shot low hps, but then ill just use the cricket bat to do exactly the same job, nerf cricket bat too and then ill use knifes with chopper to also do the same job.

tl:dr all melee weapons can 1 shot low hps mercs and 2 - 3 shot skyhammers…etc

you have a good point, and i agree with it.
that being said, i am not asking for a nerf, i am asking for a rework, to change how the weapon functions, to give the weapon a more dedicated role when being played by a specific merc (Phnatom)

will my idea nerf the stab damage when simply spamming ? yes
but when using wisely it could even be capable of one stabbing medium health mercs

(henki000) #4

First, there could be block if you press mouse 1/2 same time.

Second, special moves when pressing mouse 3 and moving mouse like in Mount & Blade: Warband.

(Raven_Marine) #5

i do want to clarify one thing, this rework is a horrible idea for phantom at the current state he is in, he would require a speed buff with the rework to make him more maneuverable to compensate for the higher TTK


I’m strongly against emphasizing the whole melee aspect of Phantom. In my opinion granting him the katana was a mistake in the first place, the consequence of which we see in the gameplay today. It’s ridiculously cheap how its capable of one shotting or severely damaging you with minimal effort and aim, quite comparable to shotguns.

(kirinichiban42) #7

I am of the strong belief that melee weapons were never meant to become a primary form of attack.

In my opinion, the melee weapons are meant to finish opponents off after you inflict enough damage with you other weapons. That’s why I think that melee weapons discourage landing consecutive hits with the movement snare effect. Of course, skilled players can wreck others with melee despite these downsides, but it is much harder and less effective than using a gun.

@Kirays said:
I’m strongly against emphasizing the whole melee aspect of Phantom.

I totally agree with @Kirays because emphasizing the melee aspect of Phantom reduces his effectiveness as a hit-and run assassin type merc (which is the best usage of him). This doesn’t matter if a Phantom is targeting a lone enemy, but taking on multiple enemies is pretty much a suicide mission. Using a melee weapon means you have to stray far from cover to even attempt to take out one person. In addition, once you decloak, you have to wait until the cooldown expires in order to make a halfway decent getaway. Whereas you can use a gun near cover to take someone out. Ultimately, you are essentially trading kills as a melee Phantom and hurting your team by not being alive to contribute more damage. This might be fun for casual play, but it would further destroy Phantom’s competitive potential.

Moving on to the charged right-click idea, I think its a cool idea, but it’s very powerful (as you have presented it). My main concerns about the idea are as follows (disregarding damage and charge time numbers since they can be tweaked):

  • There is no downside to charging which means you can charge preemptively whenever you have you melee out
  • If you precharge you can tank damage, run up to people, and one-shot them if they have less than the maximum amount of stab damage

In summary, a charged stab would present opportunities to abuse the system and nerfing it by any amount would make it unusable. At this point, it’s best to invoke Occam’s Razor and decide that the current system works well enough.

(Sorotia) #8

Why even use right click when you can just use the quick slash augment and kill anyone short of Thunder and Rhino in two quick slashes?

(LifeupOmega) #9

Right click lunge was removed years ago for a reason tbh.