ET:QW was fail in the first place so no need to make a second!!!
You didnt see that one comming did you?
what i mean is, ET:QW used the ranked/unranked server idea, thats a total moronic idea imo, also the fact that you had to have a designated numbers of players on the server before matches could be played, also crap. and finally they made the game so it was completely depending on a statssite that worked for all ranked servers, so when that was disbanded the game fell apart in a heartbeat, yeah i know ppl still play it.
But thinking on the potential the game could have had if only serverowners was allowed to edit servers as they wants.
Games like that will kill the clan idea as it has been since the old CS and ET days, the provider puts up a gameforum where ppl will have to meet etc etc, so no need for clanforums.
Im against that. go figure
to end it, i was one of the guys very very interested in QW from the beginning as i hoped back then at we would have a sequel to WET, but that was not what we got.