I want my forum account deleted

(system) #1

And all my personal information deleted from this site thank you very much.

(Salteh) #2

The lulzsec bethesda/zenimax hack has nothing to do with sd.com, but sure, we’ll delete your account.

(tokamak) #3

Even if SD’s account data was compromised, deleting your account wouldn’t do anything.

(light_sh4v0r) #4

lol, they would’ve had the data now anyway, facepalm.

(.Chris.) #5

My bets are that it was another troll from him, this time over the recent hacking business which as pointed out had nothing to do with this site and he didn’t actually expect to get his account deleted. He wont be missed anyway.

(xTriXxy) #6

what kind of personal information? to register here you need only email. nothing more personal.

(Apples) #7

Ooooh just when I deleted you from m ignore list :frowning: Where is teh LOVE!?