i think brink needs to take the "APB" approach

(xOCEANx) #1

i think this game should be rereleased after it is worked on, given an sdk, and free to play (hopefully) just like apb

anyone else’s thoughts?

(Terminator514) #2


i think this game should be rereleased after it is worked on, given an sdk, and free to play (hopefully) just like apb

anyone else’s thoughts?[/QUOTE]

I think the PC fanbase has lost all hope in anything Brink related and would only return if they knew their had been massive fixes/adjustments/added content. Sadly, that would cost a great deal of money to virtually resell Brink to the community of gamers who have all but abandoned it.

Console players, which I am, seem to like the game a good deal more since our player numbers, while not enormous, are larger than the PC’s.

(.Chris.) #3

Or just move on, plenty of other fish in the sea.

(Codine) #4

Even if an SDK was released nobody would play this game anymore. SD lost their community and there’s no going back really.

(Azure19) #5

[QUOTE=Codine;380237]Even if an SDK was released nobody would play this game anymore. SD lost their community and there’s no going back really.[/QUOTE]I can’t wait to make a documentary on PC gamers.

(BioSnark) #6

I’d rather they make and polish a new game.

(cdoty15) #7

“I’d rather they make and polish a new game.”
Same here… I love brink and think its great on pc but theres not as many as on xbox so i play that one more

(montheponies) #8

Really? I’m struggling to find anything to look forward to that has the class based, objective orientated game with the gunplay of RTCW …any good suggestions would be welcome.

(.Chris.) #9

My suggestion would be to play more than 1 type of game…

(montheponies) #10

Thanks that’s helpful.

(etwolfmod) #11

What’s special in RTCW gunplay? I have RTCW, and i dont really see what’s that special about it.

(montheponies) #12

it’s completely different to Battlefield, CoD, CS etc - and just to be clear - I have, and still do, play all of those games…just like to play something that has a different take on gunplay from that being offered by the upcoming BF3 and MW3…hope that makes sense.

(tokamak) #13

It’s simplistic, that’s why people like it. It’s three shots through the head at high accuracy no matter the situation. When you meet another opponent you end up both doing a cute little dodge/crouch dance while firing at each other and the guy who wins has the biggest epeen.

(.Chris.) #14

As opposed to camping behind a box and spraying someone in back as they pass by at snails pace?

(tokamak) #15

Sounds already more complicated yeah.

(montheponies) #16

funny it’s the same mechanic copied in ET and ETQW…and clearly you would prefer something else - which seems to be a recurring and quite frankly monotonous theme with your posts…btw feel free to neg rep this post as well lol.

(tokamak) #17

WET didn’t have dynamic spread or ironsights so it’s completely different from ETQW.

(montheponies) #18

completely different? in a 1v1 you still have the same core dynamics of aim and movement being rewarded with relatively low damage, high rate of fire weapons…ie. you track and move maintaining a lock on the other player, burst firing for maximum affect…the most skillful player ‘wins’ the 1v1. a far cry from your stated “three shots through the head at high accuracy no matter the situation”. and please dont use the iron sight red herring in this context.

(Senethro) #19

Remember guys, you need a degree to properly play hide and seek with slow movement speeds and as many random factors affecting accuracy as possible. Its plebian scum who play physical skill based shooters.

(DarkangelUK) #20

Who sees who first wins is more complicated?