I can't wait for Brink anymore...

(KAS--Will) #1

I’m having major cases of… FREAKING OUT. I’m so excited for Brink and I have such high expectations for it. I just want to use SMART already! :frowning:

But yeah, I’m new and just making my presence known. :slight_smile: Hey to all the veteran members! :smiley:

(Nail) #2

welcome to TapirLand

(KAS--Will) #3

What is that?

(Nail) #4

that is this


Splash Damage, land of tapirs

(light_sh4v0r) #5

Welcome, you have a lot to learn my friend :slight_smile:
Learn to appreciate the tapirs that control this corner of the internets.


(signofzeta) #6

Haha, the last time I waited for a game, I got double F. Fired from a job, and Fail a course. I now learn that waiting for a game is bad. Let the game come to you in its own pace, and it will be there eventually. In case that a game never comes out, or is canceled, I wouldn’t feel bad that I wasted all that time waiting for a game that probably wouldn’t exist in the future.

I just let the games that I want flow to me, rather than trying to force the game to be released sooner.

So rather than getting psyched when the game is announced, I get psyched when the game is released.

What I mean by waiting for a game is, you are so psyched before the game’s release, that you have to look at Brink stuff, or anything that is related to an unreleased game, and get so into it.

(brbrbr) #7


you can try to use SMART in offline.
i mean, try get smart and behave like SMART-way/ingame.
yesterday i saw girl, entering subway station truly in Brink PR-movies style: perfect combination of parkour and ninja movements.

you can try demand you beta-version copy[after sign NDA agremeent on paper] treating “i can’t f@$%@ wait for final release !!” SD/ZM.
or not[thats my advice 4 you].

(KAS--Will) #8

I was super hyper that night… XD This game looks amazing.

Hey guys.