Hunter is a ton of fun for me and probably one of my favorite mercs to play right now despite the fact that he’s supbar to every other recon out there. But my favorite Alaskan crossbow shooter severly is underperforming in terms of support xp earn rates. Considering that Vaseline can earn 80xp per spot for literally just throwing an egg in the general direction of the enemy, I don’t understand why Hunter only gets 60xp per spot when he has to actually hit his target to make it work. Here’s my suggested changes to help bring him more into the meta:
XP - change from 40xp per spot to 100xp per spot. This allows him to gain support XP at a more reasonable rate when compared to the other recon mercs who gain this support XP at a much faster rate in higher quanities.
Spotting - increase spot time by 2-3 seconds. This allows his spot to be useful not only for him but also for his teammates. Currently his reveal is so short that he is useless as a team player to reveal enemies. His spotting ability should act as more of a marking tool to allow his team to focus on one enemy as opposed to simply a glance at their whereabouts.
What are your thoughts? I’m not sure about the spotting change, I’d like it but it may make him OP as a recon.