Hunters new CROSS BOW

(PlatinuMRage) #1

Hi all,

PlatinuMRage here and I just wanted people opinion on the GREEN smoke the cross bow bolts use and if anyone else feels a bit restrictive when you ADS using the Crossbow?

I tend to ADS a lot to get those sweet snipes and I’ve noticed the green smoke can get in the way of lining your next shot. Maybe give it like the sniper Bullet a light grey trail that we can see/clear distinguish or even allow us to user to change it/add it as a setting to the game.

Anyways just a quick post. Ill read as many of Your comments as possible and try to reply also.

Until then,
Plaaaaaaay Dirty


(Ptiloui) #2

@PlatinuMRage said:
Hi all,

PlatinuMRage here and I just wanted people opinion on the GREEN smoke the cross bow bolts use and if anyone else feels a bit restrictive when you ADS using the Crossbow?

I tend to ADS a lot to get those sweet snipes and I’ve noticed the green smoke can get in the way of lining your next shot. Maybe give it like the sniper Bullet a light grey trail that we can see/clear distinguish or even allow us to user to change it/add it as a setting to the game.

Anyways just a quick post. Ill read as many of Your comments as possible and try to reply also.

Until then,
Plaaaaaaay Dirty


Green smoke ? You mean the trail that escapes from the bolt when fired ? Im actually on minimal settings and from my pov, my trails are red, and those from enemy hunters are not visible at all.

(TheStrangerous) #3

So bolts fly by farting?

(Guziol) #4

Smoke retains your crosshair colour btw.

(PlatinuMRage) #5

@Guziol said:
Smoke retains your crosshair colour btw.

So white crosshair means whitesmoke cool thank you

(GatoCommodore) #6

wew tracer effect for crossbow?

(GatoCommodore) #7

wew tracer effect for crossbow?