How to piss of your fanbase - rule #'1

(ChumChum) #21

Yes my comment was heavily drenched in sarcasm. Ifurita has done so much for both the RTCW and ET communities and has had an awsome attitude while doing so. One of the most likeable people I have met while playing RTCW and ET.

(MadMattUK) #22

I second that. Shame he gave up tbh. :frowning:

(Ifurita) #23

Yes my comment was heavily drenched in sarcasm. Ifurita has done so much for both the RTCW and ET communities and has had an awsome attitude while doing so. One of the most likeable people I have met while playing RTCW and ET.

Heh – I’ve know Chum forever. He’s a fool, but a loveable fool. I did buy Quake 4 though and have an itch to explore the mapping engine.

(kamikazee) #24

Does that mean we can expect “Quake IV 4 Newbies”? :stuck_out_tongue:

(MadMattUK) #25

that might actually get me to buy it. :banana:

(EB) #26

(Pytox) #27

Than it would be “Quake IV Newbies” :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:
They are already remaking quake 3 levels like q3dm6 :eek:

(Bongoboy) #28

Never fear about the Eye Candy issue. Even as I type, we’re lovingly reducing the game’s graphical quality. ETQW will actually play in a slightly lower resolution than the original Castle Wolfenstein. In fact, it’ll look more like Tetris. Or Pong.

No, just kidding. Actually, it’s turn-based. And play-by-mail. Snail mail. ETQW will come in the form of a stout cardboard box filled with pre-printed postcards with a grid wherein you can write your move. Then you post it back to us, and we decide who’s where and who’s shot who, possibly by letting a Tapir rootle through the pile of cards. We’re developing a unique anti-lag technology too. We’re going to wait for several days before releasing the Tapir at the postcards, thus allowing further-flung correspondents time to get their moves in. A regular ballpoint pen will work fine, but we’re discussing branding opportunities with some fancier pen companies, and specialist Pro-Gamer writing implements may be available. Maybe even a Premium Edition Box, with shiny cards. They’re really nice, they’re all embossed and everything.

(P4nth3r) #29


(Ragnar_40k) #30

The titles of the Panzer General series are still my favourite strategy games.

(Pytox) #31

the Tapir at the postcards

You could make a special greeting card for the holidays with Tapirs that wish you Merry X-Mas! :banana: :smiley:

(eq-Shrike) #32

Tapirs …Tapirs … all I hear is bloody Tapirs
What happened to the loveable multi-coloured equines ?

(Gimpsta) #33

I’m going to employ a cunning hack by spraying my card with tapir pheremones :nag:

(ouroboro) #34

haha Bongoboy <3

(Sauron|EFG) #35

Finally some good ET:QW news! :clap:

(eRRoLfLyNN) #36

Worth the wait tbh :moo:

(fattakin) #37

WARNING! WARNING! This hugely important thread is going off topic! tapirs? play by mail? megalols all round

(ouroboro) #38

imo tbh

(Fusen) #39

isn’t this because IW really do not like mods for their game?

(dime1622) #40

no, they just have no idea what PUBLIC RELATIONS means.