How to explain Dirty Bomb

(Da_Mummy) #1

So I finally got some friends of mine into DB and now I have no idea on how to explain this game to them.
Sure they all played the tutorial and I told them about the forum, but how in all heavens do I get to topics like Secondary Objectives, Different Merc classes and spawn timing.
Just asking for some input.

(Ptiloui) #2

For secondary objectives, explain them that they open or close optional routes that can offers advantage. They can be doors like in Trainyard, ramps like in Chapel or gas tunnel like in Terminal or at the last objective of Underground. These are not mandatory but some are recommended to do in order to take advantage on enemy team.

As for merc classes, just focus on Medic, Engineer and Fire support to begin with. With no medic, your team would have no way to take HP back efficiently. It will be easier for the enemy team to push you if you have to constantly fall back, or die, under their pressure.
Fire support are quite the same : with no ammo, you’d be forced to constantly fall back to ammo crate, breaking position and letting enemy be able to take control of key spots.
And for engineer, it is recommanded for planting/defusing C4 or repairing EV. Without them, it will take more time to do objectives, which is a big problem in a fast paced fps.
The other two classes are a bit different. Assault is meant to be the frontline killer, designed to focus enemy attention on them rather than on your medics or engineers. Their abilities can directly kill enemies or do area denial like Nader or Stoker. And for Recon, they bring intel, sharing enemy position to your team or, in Phantom’s case, desactivating enemy deployables, such as health/ammo station or turrets and mines.

And talking about time, just ask them if they would rather wait for 20 seconds or 5 seconds before being able to play again :slight_smile: Time is key : knowing when to push or not can lead to the victory or defeat. If you kill all the enemy team while the spawn timer is around 15-20 seconds, you’ll have plenty of time to complete objective, replenish health, reload your weapons and recharge your abilites. If not, the enemy team will directly spawn with full health and ammo, and it will be easier for them to push you back. Don’t forget that the last objectives of each maps are closer to the defense side than the attacker side. If you don’t manage spawn timer correctly, the defense can endlessly respawn, preventing the attackers from doing the objectives.

(Da_Mummy) #3

Thx for the ideas
Should still be interesting to watch them play, but as long as they don’t repairstack and doubleplant and drop ammo and medpacks they should be golden right.

(Teflon Love) #4

Also worthwhile to mention might be that you can quite quickly destroy generators with explosives. Arty or Kira opening the gate on 2nd objective in Trainyard or Nader opening the barricade on Bridge are good examples where explosives are more viable than plants.