How to DATOBO ( Surviving Airstrikes & Artillery )

(GregHouseMD) #1

Dig A Trench Or Bugger Off - DATOBO.

I like airstrikes, you like airstrikes, our enemies love airstrikes. We just prefer not to die to them, right? Well, I’m not an expert. I think, however, that in my time playing the game, that I’ve picked up some habits that help me survive airstrikes, artillery and lasers. I’d like, if I may be so bold, to try and pass some of these on to you, so that you too can survive attacks from above. Unless they consist of bullets. This guide does not cover bullets.

Just a quick paragraph on why I make this guide – feel free to skip to the next one if you’re not interested. I’ve been playing a lot of Kira recently, and I’ve been having a lot of luck with the orbital laser. I’ve also been accused of doing nothing but using “that OP laser”. Which strikes me as odd, because whenever I manage to kill someone with it ( or several people at once, as happens ), it’s usually because they did something wrong. Knowing how to kill people with it, I think I’ve also learned how not to get killed by it – and that’s what I want to pass on to you. Because, frankly, the game is more fun for everyone when people don’t feel unfairly treated. By a laser.

All artillery-type attacks have in common that they’re useless against targets in buildings ( unless they’re very close to doors or windows ). If you can find a nearby building to take cover in, you can survive. This guide is meant to provide some tips for situations where that just isn’t an option.

We’ll start with Skyhammer’s airstrikes.

(GregHouseMD) #2


Airstrikes are always a concern around the EV on escort stages, and frequently around objectives and choke points. And there’s not a thing you can do about it. Well, except run away, run back, and repair. Or possibly just shoot Skyhammer.

Airstrikes, fortunately, are predictable. Very predictable. A few months ago, someone took the time to create a nice figure showing how airstrikes land. Because it’s always the same pattern.

Airstrikes always come in a T-pattern. If A is the top left tip of the T, B is the top right tip, and C is the bottom tip, then C is Skyhammer’s position, and the airstrike always travels along the B – A line. In other words, perpendicular to Skyhammer’s original facing when the marker was thrown, always right to left relative to Skyhammer*.

For an illustration, see:

Armed with this knowledge, you can estimate where the airstrike is going to hit before the marker even hits the ground. If you don’t see where it was thrown from, the red line drawn by the marker will tell you the line the shells will draw ( but not the direction ). If you can’t see Skyhammer or the marker, you may have to make an educated guess. It’s better than choosing a direction at random and running.

All right. You’ve made a split second estimate of where the airstrike is going to come in. It’s time to DATOBO. Just hang on another fraction of a second. Because you know where the airstrike is going to come in from, and which direction it’ll be moving. What you want to do next, is move away from it perpendicular to the line drawn by the shells. Airstrikes draw long lines, but they’re quite narrow. Your odds of surviving should increase greatly if you move away from the line, rather than along it.

In summary:

  1. Watch for Skyhammer, markers in the air, and markers on the ground.
  2. Listen to the distinctive ‘pop’ of the marker, and incoming drones.
  3. DATOBO.

*I may misremember the direction – it may be left to right. I will check this out posthaste, but I am fairly certain it’s right-left. Feel free to correct me on this.

(GregHouseMD) #3

Artillery Strike.

Arty’s artillery strikes are currently less of a concern than other artillery-type attacks. Arty simply isn’t played as much as for instance Skyhammer. And, while Arty has a considerably shorter cooldown and more charges, the impact is also limited. It may not even be necessary to include Arty here, as they don’t seem to be much of a problem. If you see Arty painting an area and it’s safe to shoot, do so. Artillery is called in quickly .7 seconds, if I’m not mistaken, but sustained fire will prevent it.

One thing that may be worth noting is that Arty does not need to have direct line of sight to where he’s aiming the designator. If you’re behind something like the rocks on the final point of Chapel, Arty can paint the wall behind you to make the artillery strike your position.

Your best bet in those cases is to be aware that you may be exposed, watch for the laser showing where a strike is coming, and listening for the thunder-like rumbling. If you know you’re in a likely target zone, and you hear that, you probably need to DATOBO.

In summary:

  1. Watch for Arty, and tiny red beams infiltrating your ranks.
  2. Listen for thunder-like rumbling.
  3. DATOBO.

(GregHouseMD) #4

Orbital Laser.

It’s time for the piece de resistance: Kira’s orbital laser. It can move about, it can vaporize you in seconds, and it knows absolutely no fear.

It’s fired in a manner similar to Arty’s artillery strike, except it strikes a smaller area, and can be guided around. I’m not sure what sort of technology allows a satellite to quickly change the direction of its orbit, but Kira has it. Just like Arty, Kira’s designator is interrupted by receiving fire, and it creates three converging lasers where it’s being called in. Once these meet, you’re dead. Unless you DATOBO.

However, unlike the others, orbital lasers will find you, and they will kill you. Avoiding it takes a little more effort than the others. If Kira has a direct line of sight to you, she can guide it onto you and shoot you almost at the same time, while you’re busy wearing yourself out before your inevitable death. Don’t let her do that. Break line of sight, if at all possible.

Chances are Kira won’t be sitting around exposed and tracking players, though, as that sort of single-minded focus is just as likely to get her killed. Kira is quite soft, and can’t afford to take those risks. And, just like Arty, Kira doesn’t need direct line of sight. If the laser is in front of you, and there’s a wall behind you, all Kira has to do is click the wall behind you, and you get vaporized.

It’s more likely the laser will be called in behind a rock or a wall or a tree, or something, and then guided into choke points where enemies are known to be, or onto objectives. In those cases, however, you’ll have some warning. The orbital laser is quite loud, so you’ll know when it’s active. It’s time to GTFO.

Okay, take a split second to think about where you are. Is there a building you can run into? Do that. Are you in a large, open area? Take evasive action. Are you currently spotted by Vasilli? Run, and fast.

I mentioned earlier some mistakes that will get you killed. I think that’s the most important thing to be aware of: What to avoid. What to avoid, then? Avoid running in a Hollywood-style straight line away from the laser. We’ve seen it in movies, we’ve laughed about it. Know what? People still do that in Dirty Bomb. It’s hilarious to watch. Unlike airstrikes, there’s not a specific direction you should run in. Instead, be unpredictable. And, above literally anything else, don’t run behind a crate or into a corner and expect to be safe. It’s literally the worst possible move. If you do that, you will die, ten times out of ten. Seriously. If there’s only one piece of advice you take away from this thread, let it be this: If you’re trying to get away from an orbital laser, DO NOT hide in a corner. Am I making myself clear yet? Corners are bad. Corners are death. Boxes are unsafe. I can’t count the times I’ve seen someone on the ramp MG on Chapel, only to have them run INTO the box rather than out of it to get away from a laser. You know what they have in common? They’re all dead. And you don’t want to be like that.

In summary:

  1. Watch for Kira, and three converging laser beams, and for massive beams emerging from ominous clouds.
  2. Listen for the distinctive, literally unmissable sound of the orbital laser.
  3. DATOBO.
  4. Stay mobile. DO NOT stop for anything or anyone. Above all, avoid trapping yourself.

(charmingMist) #5

Great guide. I never actually realized how skyhammer’s airstrike works.
And as a Kira player, I can confirm that there’s nothing more hilarious than chasing a player with my orbital laser pet and seeing him cower in a corner, waiting to be vaporized.

(GregHouseMD) #6

Thanks! Knowing his airstrike isn’t random really helps choosing which direction to run. Once you get used to it, you’ll realize just how long you actually have to get away.

(CCP115) #7

I also have to say that they added in some patch the fact that airstrike markers are really obvious now, with lasers and orange circles and everything. However, Skyhammers strike has a ridiculously large splash damage, so be aware of that.

(GregHouseMD) #8

If you stand beside it ( where my little figure shows you should go ), the blast is not very large at all. It’s almost surprising how close to it you can stand and survive. It might even be worth trying a few times, just to get a feel for how close you can actually be and still be safe.

If you try to run along the line, yeah, it’ll kill you.

(CCP115) #9

If you stand beside it ( where my little figure shows you should go ), the blast is not very large at all. It’s almost surprising how close to it you can stand and survive. It might even be worth trying a few times, just to get a feel for how close you can actually be and still be safe.

If you try to run along the line, yeah, it’ll kill you.[/quote]

Surviving isn’t hard, but you still can take damage from a very large distance. I have been quite far away quite a few times, and lost 3/4 of my HP.

(SilentSmile) #10

Just curious, but is it possible to shoot down Skyhammer’s jet thingy? ( the flying object that flys by and fires the vertical missiles at the beacon)

(GregHouseMD) #11

It’s a drone, I’m pretty sure. I also have … no idea. I’ve never heard anyone ask about that before. I doubt it, though. If you look up, it’s very fast, and you won’t even necessarily see it coming.