How to Communicate About Ranked

(hawkeyeguy99) #1

Long video but it clearly communicates what I think is a huge problem with DB Ranked. People just don’t understand the purpose of ranked and go in with triple engies, or two snipers and a stoker, or 3 firesupports, etc. I think SD needs to do a better job of clearly communicating what is expected of a player when they hit the “find match” button because right now I encounter more players who have no idea what they’re doing/“one-trick” mercs because they think it’s fun instead of actually trying to be competitive and win.

(K1X455) #2

SD has over estimated the number of players capable of objective play.

So many times has it been requested to raise the level for ranked to be at least 20 or more so team composition can be observed in playing competitive, but of course, the playing population will be significantly reduced. So top level players are matched up with bronze tier players and frustrates the sanity of those competitive ones.

(Chilled Sanity) #3

@K1X455 said:
SD has over estimated the number of players capable of objective play.

Its even more surprising since the number is literally 0


I always imagine the complainers and incompetent players being like a kid who won’t go to his local basketball court or baseball field because he lives in a small town and the 8 other regulars are better than him. The solution isn’t to quit and give up, the solution is to get up and keep trying.

There’s a lot that could be tweaked to improve the state of ranked, but given the amount of players we have it isn’t all that bad and there’s really not much else we’re gonna be able to get out of it until then. Increasing the minimum level requirement of ranked will be amazing if and only if the game grows enough to allow it. I’ve exhausted all others areas of suggestions, debates, and ideas about this topic because people are always going to be mad regardless. Just play it and try to win while having fun. I don’t love it, but I definitely don’t hate it. Not a popular thing to say around here I suppose.