To be fair, on paper a longer cooldown timer for the rocket launcher isn’t all that bad for it’s damage.
This is what I’m guessing based on rumors and how the rocket acts after some testing
I could be wrong if it’s 60 seconds or 50, but it’d be by far more practical as utility rather than for racking up kills than other Fire Supports which Javelin is rumored to be.
Javelin would probably drop ammo as she’s rumored to be female so she’d probably be a faster but lightly armored Fire Support, Probably just like Kira, I’m guessing her default gun would be the BR-16 with access to the Dreiss and M4A1 to mix things up as long range Fire Supports use nothing but bursts and the dreiss and close range automatics and a burst each.
Pistol wise, probably a mix between a heavy, light and machine pistol.
How useful would be the rocket launcher if it were on a 50-60 second cooldown with it’s damage?
Let’s take a look at other Fire Supports special abilities, to see what she’d do.
Arty and Kira excel at range, since they use a laser pointer.
Arty and Stoker are re-usability, Arty having more charges and the fastest cooldown, but lacks area of effect. Stoker on the other hand needs to wait 10 seconds if nobody with explosives/Redeye have extinguished his grenade between uses.
Kira and Stoker are all about Damage over time/Area of effect.
Stoker and Skyhammer can use theirs indoors, unlike Arty and Kira. On Stoker’s Case it’s his forte, on Skyhammer’s case his flare works as a 100 damage grenade at most if it doesn’t have line of sight with the sky once it detonates.
What holes would javelin fill with a high damage high cooldown rocketlauncher?
First, She wouldn’t need to have to worry about something being above her projectile, as it’d be based on her own line of sight with the target.
Second, She’d have range, a balance between Kira/Arty’s laser designater and Sky/Stoker’s tossed grenades.
Third, The Best thing is besides covering a lot of ground (Kira/Stoker/Sky), Fire Supports Also do great damage on the EV, Generator and shortcut ramps.
The problem with these, especially the Generators, they could be under cover, which Kira, Arty couldn’t hit, Stoker’s/Sky’s grenades not do much damage to.
In Short, While she wouldn’t be able to cover much ground or do damage over time. she could hit an EV and secondary objects the other Fire Supports couldn’t hit, making her rocket much better when it comes to utility.
When it comes to her way of deploying her ability, she hits a middle ground between lasers and tossed, with her kill potential being like that of Arty, best firing where enemies are bunched together, especially with her long cooldown.[/quote]
Just pray that SD picks up this idea…