How hard would this be....?

(DiaZ) #1

Just thought I’d ask. You know that effect in the multiplayer version of the game, when a mortar hits the water, it creates a large water explosion? I was thinking it would be great to have it on single player and have an entity that randomly generates that effect (maybe have the explosion a little bigger), to simulate sea waves breaking on a cargo ship’s hull in the middle of a torrential storm (that’s actually one of the maps of my mod, i’ll need a torrential rain effect later on but I can wait for that… :smile: ) How hard would this be? I ask because I have never coded, I don’t even know which tools do I need for the task, and if it’s easy… well… you know… maybe someone can help me… hehe :smile: Well… I just thought I’d ask… don’t feel like I am asking you guys to make a whole mod for me… I’m just lacking in the coding area, my main task is 3D stuff, when I see math I can virtually fall inconscious :smile:

Btw, i’m also researching a storm effect that would be based on turning map fog on/off fast, my map has lots of sky fog and doing that manually creates a nice lightning effect. Since it’s just console commands, maybe I can make that myself. Could someone point me to a good tutorial on how to get started with RTCW coding? It would be appreciated…

(Ghast) #2

If I understand this correctly even a little, there is the Quake3 sourcecode which is something you pay $250,000 to look at, then there is the sourcecode for RTCW, where you can look to see what has been implemented (tweaked) and what might be re-tweaked?

Then there are the sample maps (and this forum) generously made available to look for answers to how things were done, but as to what is or isn’t possible in a mod, that probably depends on personal trial & error?

I would think the other mod forums might be you’re best bet for answers to possible RTCW game tweakings?

IMHO, it would be like asking “what can I do to make my mod cooler than RTCW was?” (or more like Enemy Territory is going to be or -put another game title here - ???) Game Development is a business and not just a hobby G

How to be a game programmer, game designer, game artist etc would be hard to answer on a forum, and trying to be all those things might take more than one lifetime? G

(fretn) #3

hmmz, it starts as a hobby :razz:

btw: there were some beginners tutorials but the links seem not to work anymore :sad:


(DiaZ) #4

What I wanted to say is if something can give me a hint on where the “water impact” effect is on the multiplayer code (assuming it’s part of the DLL code) to put it on single player, as it should be a matter of copy-paste (however, making an entity that spawns the effect randomly would have to be done from scratch and well, at this moment I don’t know how :confused: ), I ask because I don’t know where to look, even though I know some C I get lost in the source files. Plus, I don’t even know how to set things up to compile the code, which is why I need some “getting started” tutorials :smile: and later, some help on how would I make an entity that randomly creates the effect. I need to get myself started on RTCW dll coding, that it…

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DiaZ on 2002-09-29 23:59 ]</font>

(fretn) #5 => tutorial website for quakeIII but you will see that much is the same as rtcw.

read their articles, there you will learn most out of it !


(DiaZ) #6

Thanks! I’ll have a good read :smile: