How do I set up a lan server with xpsave?

(SirDigbyChickenCaesar) #1

I’ve not set up a server before and a few friends asked me if it was possible to save player xp so that if their connection dropped or timed out that they would not lose everything when they logged back in.
What I’m looking for is information on how to set up an ET lan server that saves xp and runs all 6 original maps or even a pre-prepared example config with hints on how to modify it for my needs.

Thanks in advance for any help and advice on this.


P.s, Ginger said he couldn’t feel his legs. :slight_smile:

(kamikazee) #2

Just for the record: “XP save” is not the same as “XP recover”. When you just want your XP back when you lost your connection, you can run ETPro. (Which I would call “XP recover” because it’s “recovered” within one campaign.)

If you want your XP to be there when you reconnect one day later, it means you want “XP save”. This is mostly frowned upon because players with insane amounts of time can just have 1000 XP every time they connect.

As for how: read the W:ET Advanced Server Guide hosted on It focuses on ETPro, but it would work for eg. No Quarter or ETPub as well.

(Nail) #3

shouldn’t have to worry about dropped connections in a LAN

(SirDigbyChickenCaesar) #4

Thanks for the feedback and advice.

(080903k) #5

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(lyjg0112) #8

河北省深州市孤城胶木厂建于1973年,首批获国家级产品生产许可证企业,多年来推出了一批具有国际先进水平的高新技术产品。我厂生产的生成的田源牌机床操作件、密封件产品在市场深受好评和欢迎。 我厂二00四年加大投入资金,购置国内外先进密封件加工设备及完整的理化测试设备,现已拥有先进的机械加工、炼胶、硫化、实验检测等设备。生产的橡胶骨架油封,气门油封,O型密封圈、组合垫等各种型号国标、非国标密封件,手柄,url=]拉手,畅销北京、上海、广州、沈阳、天津、深圳、山东等十几个省市地区,均得到普遍认可与好评。我厂委托云南大学昆煜软件开发公司研制的防伪条码工程已经完成,经安装测试符合设计标准(国家执行标准)。这是我厂参考二汽。北轻汽、昆明云内等厂家的先进经验开发制作,拉手产品出厂时全部按照国家标准检测后,将合格产品粘贴防伪条码出厂。这在同行业中尚属先例。 近年来手轮厂又相继开发了特种(硅佛)橡胶、工程橡胶、橡胶密封条、工程塑料制品,并通过了相关技监部门的认证。并远销韩国,台湾等海外市场。公司一贯追求信誉第一,以客户的要求是我们追求的指导,以市场需求为导向,努力调整产业结构并稳步迈向国际市场。 三十余年来,我厂不断发展壮大,但始终把诚信树为我们的信念,在同类产品中保持最低价位,保证最佳质量,严格售后服务。2003年我厂在全国最大的阿里巴巴建立诚信通平台,也是机床配件行业唯一的“网上有名"企业。 我厂追求零缺陷,热情为把手广大用户提供优良服务,竭诚欢迎洽谈合作! 在此感谢各位新老客户的信任和支持,也诚邀各位客户欢迎光临惠顾我厂洽谈。