So there was a guy headshotting a little too well, and shortly after there were debates about reporting him, he changed his clan tag in the scoreboard. That alone already looked suspicious. Then I leave the server to join another, and not to enter the same one again, I check the player list. And in the same server, with everyone else, he wasn’t listed. I join again, he’s still there.
why is it even allowed to change your displayed name mid-game, even if it’s “just” the clan tag [which, when you have a generic “player123456” name appended, is the only way to name you]?
how are some players named “player123456”, meaning we’re not even seeing their real name during the game? [and what could be the reason to do this? Reminding you that we suspected the guy from botting, to start with]
why is only the server list displaying their real name?
Even if he wasn’t botting, it’s a bit dodgy to do this mid-game, and it sucks that the game allows it.