Hotwire the EV!


I think it would be more appropriate (and funny) to have the announcer say “Hijack the EV!”/“Don’t let them hijack the EV!”/“They have our EV!” or something similar, and have the EV slowly transition from a CDA-style vehicle to something different.

Because “Repair the EV!” gets kind of stale when going through both the initial push and the escort having that thing play constantly.

(bgyoshi) #2

I never thought of that.

That actually fits in with the feel of the game, too. Jackals are stealing a CDA EV…


(Dr_Plantboss) #3

This also gives me an idea:
Maybe defending engineers can use their equipment to disable the EV? Because currently engineers are pretty much useless for defense on Bridge and Chapel (As Engineers).


[quote=“Dr_Plantboss;197745”]This also gives me an idea:
Maybe defending engineers can use their equipment to disable the EV? Because currently engineers are pretty much useless for defense on Bridge and Chapel (As Engineers).[/quote]

The engineer’s passive is there to make up for the fact that defensively, engineers are supposed to be pretty close to a combat class or a recon in terms of killing things.

Proxy is more than capable of handling the EV on defense.

(Dr_Plantboss) #5

Except that… she isn’t. Sure, she’s capable of doing 350 damage or so to the E.V… once every 40 seconds… So theoretically it would take her 3:20 to disable it (if it was just her).

(cakeblock941) #6

I like that idea. “Repair the EV” never really sounded all that bad to me, but I would really like a more urgent and important-sounding command.

(FalseLumpy) #7

Yeah i never understood why there’s a random EV just sitting there. If jackal snuck it in then why is it not functional? This idea would also give the CDA EV textures some use again.


Meh, I don’t mind if Proxy gets a buff for destroying objectives.

(Demonic_Muff1n) #9

@FalseLumpy said:
Yeah i never understood why there’s a random EV just sitting there. If jackal snuck it in then why is it not functional? This idea would also give the CDA EV textures some use again.

ikr, maybe if it was something like the EV was destroyed or damaged while sneaking it in then it would’ve made some sense as to why you need to repair it.